November 8, 2023

Tricia Muehlbauer, Executive Director

 PO Box 7585 Colorado Springs, CO 80933-7585
Telephone: 719-291-5545; Fax: 719-213-2693

The information herein is privileged and is furnished by and for the members of the Colorado Springs Executives
Association. Any claim of damage resulting from others having access hereto is the sole responsibility of the
members or firm permitting such and is not the responsibility of the Association. Information in the newsletter has
been obtained and listed with care from sources deemed reliable, but its correctness is not guaranteed.

Current Board of Directors:-Jenn Kolk, President; Tara Irons-Past President; Chris Waldron-Vice President; Stephanie Horton-Secretary; Diana Thate Treasurer; Todd Matia; Larry Blevins; Karen Heun; Kody Miller


To download the newsletter, click here.


November 15, 2023

Next week, John Cole, El Paso County Parks and Community Services, will present to us.  He will discuss their new Business Program starting in 

January 2024 and the Holiday Tree Cycle Program.  Join us for this presentation.  Here come the holidays! 


November 8, 2023

Thank you to Angie Peters, City Glass for bringing Grace Ehemann, Corporate Relations Manager for Make-A-Wish Colorado for today’s presentation.  Grace shared their mission: to provide life-changing wishes to children with critical illnesses all across the state! For a child battling a critical illness, treatments can seem as debilitating as the illnesses themselves. This is where Make-A-Wish comes in…to offer a child and family the opportunity to experience the power of a wish, and life beyond their illness. Wishes can be as wide-ranging and creative as a child’s imagination, whether they wish to have a shopping spree or to meet their favorite celebrity!  They are looking to build community in Colorado Springs to help support their mission. One third of all of Colorado’s Make-A-Wish kids were from our area last year!  To get involved, reach out to Angie at City Glass!  She can connect you!





Jenn Kolk– Ash Burden, Brightway Insurance

Todd Matia– KC Spencer, Colorado Water and Mold Restoration

Lisa Coe– James Webb, Mears Broadband Construction

Angie Peters– Rae Wade, City Glass; Paul Hasty-Tint Technologies and Grace Ehemam, Make A Wish

Diana Thate-Sally Avent, ADDA Infusion



November 11– Mat Lafleur, Arrow Moving and Storage


Doorprize:   Congrats to Mat LaFleur who won a $25 Execs gift certificate from City Glass!




Notes from your executive director:

 At today’s board of directors meeting, the board:

Approved Primary membership for KC Spencer, Colorado Water and Mold Restoration, Category-Water & Mold Restoration.  KC is sponsored by Todd Matia, Harvey Investment Mgmt. Thank you, Todd, for sponsoring KC!  And, KC, welcome to Execs!  We are so happy to have you as a new member!


Approved Primary membership for Paul Hasty, Tint Technologies.  Category-Window Tinting.  Paul is sponsored by Angie Peters, City Glass.  Thank you Angie, for sponsoring Paul.  And welcome back, Paul! 


Opened the category of Human Resources for Sally Avent, ADDA Infusion.  Sally has submitted a Primary member application.  She is sponsored by Diana Thate, Payroll City.  Should you know of anyone who might like to compete for this category, please bring them as a guest.  As always, it is the practice of CSEA to bring in the best in class in each category.  Competition is good!


Approved Associate membership for Brittnie Seip, Best Western Plus Fillmore Inn.  Welcome, Brittnie!  We are thrilled to have you as a new Associate member!


Our holiday party is going to be at the El Paso Club on Nov. 30!  Watch for the invitation by end of this week and MAKE SURE you RSVP BY NOVEMBER 20!  This party requires an RSVP as we have to call in a headcount ahead of time!  Thank you. 



  1. Depuy Spine is closing its distribution center in Monument, laying off the remaining sixty-seven employees. (WAYNE HEILMAN)

BUSINESS INFORMATION (information pertaining to members’ businesses):

  1. Arrow Moving and Storage offers office and industrial moves as well as household goods relocation services. Consultations and quotes are free of charge. (MAT LAFLEUR)
  2. Here’s your reminder to check your insurance renewals for home and auto. If you think you are paying too much, give us a call 719-599-3600, option 1. (JENN KOLK)
  3. You can extend the life of your hot water heater by draining it once a year. (MIKE EDDE)
  4. Garden of the Gods Club still has availability for holiday parties. (MIKE GARROW)
  5. Announcement: (open to the public) December 12, 12pm-3pm “Ziggy/Santa Extravaganza”. (BAILEY COOK-SWITCHBACKS)
  6. With snow coming, it sure helps to have snow cleared! As we clear clutter, remember what cannot be put in trash cans: tires, paint, batteries, aerosol cans (unless empty). (DAVID PEREZ)
  7. Announcement: I have been installed to the Pikes Peak Association Realtor Board for a three-year term. (EDDIE HURT)
  8. Don’t forget Execs get a 10% discount on holiday parties. (KATHY DREILING)
  9. 5.65% APY, 11-month CD for new money to Ent….still :) (CANDY VANDENBERG)
  10. Looking for a sponsor for Jazz Ad Lib Lab to support young musicians. Contact Stephanie at (STEPHANIE HORTON)


  1. None


  1. Peter and the Starcatcher has four more performances this weekend. Sunday is the final one. Tickets: (WAYNE HEILMAN)

DIRECT LEADS (when you yourself do business w/ a member or someone you referred to a member does business with that member) AND REFERRALS:

  1. Direct lead to Mark Peniston, our CPA. (DIANA THATE)
  2. Direct lead to JP West with WestCo Insurance. (DIANA THATE)
  3. Direct lead to JP West for my HOA. (WAYNE HEILMAN)
  4. Direct lead to The Gazette, ongoing. (MICHAEL GARNER)
  5. Direct lead to Pikes Peak Center, for tickets. (MICHAEL GARNER)
  6. Direct lead to Picnic Basket. (TREVOR DIERDORFF)
  7. Direct lead to American Printing, Chris. (MIKE EDDE)
  8. Direct lead to Chris, American Printing. (MIKE GARROW)
  9. Direct lead to American Printing. (TARA IRONS)
  10. Direct lead to Coaltrain. (CAROLINE FLEMING)
  11. Direct lead to Pikes Peak Center for dinner and Pops concert. (GARY ALTMAN)
  12. Direct lead to Overhead Door. (JOE WILSON)
  13. Direct lead for Windows to City Glass. (JOE WILSON)
  14. Direct lead to Swartz Electric. (EDDIE HURT)
  15. Direct lead to Colorado Running Company. (EDDIE HURT)
  16. Direct lead to Canyon Signs. (EDDIE HURT)
  17. Direct lead to Greccio Housing (silent auction donation). (BRENDA SPEER)
  18. Direct lead to Mike at Windshields Express…quote on chipped windshield and new windshield. (BEN WOJCHIK)
  19. Direct lead to Mark Rohn, Rohn CPA Group. (KIM GRIFFIS)
  20. Direct lead to Advanced Impressions for hats. (STEPHANIE HORTON)
  21. Direct lead to Ent. (KAREN HEUN)
  22. Direct lead to Payroll City. (KAREN HEUN)
  23. Direct lead to American Printing, Chris. (SPENCER SWANN)
  24. Direct lead to The Gazette. (MIKE ESCHLER)


  1. None


  1. Congrats Jim and Peggy at Coaltrain for ‘Best Of’ awards. Gold in all categories! (KATHY DREILING)               


  1. Thank you, Sally, for the referral! (JP WEST)
  2. Thank you, Diana, for the referral! (JP WEST)
  3. Don Moon, thank you for reminding everyone about Veterans Day and what 11/11 stands for. (KEVIN HOLT)
  4. A big ‘THANK YOU’ to those Execs who generously sponsored many Thanksgiving baskets. We’ve met our goal of eight-five baskets! (JIM SMITH)
  5. Thank you, Don Moon, for reminding us of the true meaning of Veterans Day. (KIM GRIFFIS)
  6. Thanks Mark for chatting over lunch last week. (STEPHANIE HORTON)
  7. Thank you Angie Peters, for doing an employee webstore with us. (KAREN HEUN)
  8. Thank you Joe Roybal for doing your webstore with us. (KAREN HEUN)
  9. Thanks Eddie and Michelle for ‘The Village at Skyline’ sign. (SPENCER SWANN)
  10. Mike Edde thanks for the HVAC education! You finally helped me understand our issue and I appreciate your willingness to run by the house. (TODD MATIA)
  11. Thanks to all of the folks in the financial ‘subgroup!’ Excited to get to know you and serve our clients together. (TODD MATIA)


  1. David Horwitz, I will go in with you on the Springs Rescue Mission sponsorship. (GREG SWARTZ)
  2. Happy Birthday Mat! (BRENDA SPEER)
  3. So good to see everyone! Wow, our organization is growing! (KATHY DREILING)
  4. Good to see Kathy! (SPENCER SWANN)


  1. First Christian Church is selling their building, next to the El Paso Club. (WAYNE HEILMAN)
  2. Brittnie from the Best Western Plus gave me a tour of their facilities. Their suites are very nice and include a full size refrigerator, dishwasher and stackable laundry in the suite. We are excited to stay in the hotel for a short time when we are renting our house out. (TODD MATIA)


  1. Nine new restaurants are coming to the Colorado Springs Airport, including Einstein Bros. Bagels and Street Eats by Brother Luck. (WAYNE HEILMAN)
  2. National Karate is opening at 1875 S. Nevada; Gail and Jeff. (DAVID HORWITZ)


  1. Great presentation! (DIANA THATE)
  2. Very interesting and informative-thanks! (JIM SMITH)
  3. Great program! (EDDIE HURT)
  4. Thank you Make A Wish for your presentation and all that you do. Bless you. (CANDY VANDENBERG)
  5. Great presentation today. Thanks Angie for bringing Make A Wish to us. (KIM GRIFFIS)
  6. Great program. (SPENCER SWANN)
  7. Thank you for a wonderful presentation. Very emotional. (MIKE ESCHLER)
  8. Great program; great organization! (JIM LITTLE)
  9. Great presentation today! (MARK PENISTON)
  10. Great program Angie. (TERRENCE VANSANT)
  11. Thank you Make a Wish for sharing with us what you do. (BRENDA SPEER)







Tricia Muehlbauer, Executive Director

 PO Box 7585 Colorado Springs, CO 80933-7585
Telephone: 719-291-5545; Fax: 719-213-2693

The information herein is privileged and is furnished by and for the members of the Colorado Springs Executives
Association. Any claim of damage resulting from others having access hereto is the sole responsibility of the
members or firm permitting such and is not the responsibility of the Association. Information in the newsletter has
been obtained and listed with care from sources deemed reliable, but its correctness is not guaranteed.

Current Board of Directors:-Jenn Kolk, President; Tara Irons-Past President; Chris Waldron-Vice President; Stephanie Horton-Secretary; Diana Thate Treasurer; Todd Matia; Larry Blevins; Karen Heun; Kody Miller


To download the newsletter, click here.


November 15, 2023

Next week, John Cole, El Paso County Parks and Community Services, will present to us.  He will discuss their new Business Program starting in 

January 2024 and the Holiday Tree Cycle Program.  Join us for this presentation.  Here come the holidays! 


November 8, 2023

Thank you to Angie Peters, City Glass for bringing Grace Ehemann, Corporate Relations Manager for Make-A-Wish Colorado for today’s presentation.  Grace shared their mission: to provide life-changing wishes to children with critical illnesses all across the state! For a child battling a critical illness, treatments can seem as debilitating as the illnesses themselves. This is where Make-A-Wish comes in…to offer a child and family the opportunity to experience the power of a wish, and life beyond their illness. Wishes can be as wide-ranging and creative as a child’s imagination, whether they wish to have a shopping spree or to meet their favorite celebrity!  They are looking to build community in Colorado Springs to help support their mission. One third of all of Colorado’s Make-A-Wish kids were from our area last year!  To get involved, reach out to Angie at City Glass!  She can connect you!





Jenn Kolk– Ash Burden, Brightway Insurance

Todd Matia– KC Spencer, Colorado Water and Mold Restoration

Lisa Coe– James Webb, Mears Broadband Construction

Angie Peters– Rae Wade, City Glass; Paul Hasty-Tint Technologies and Grace Ehemam, Make A Wish

Diana Thate-Sally Avent, ADDA Infusion



November 11– Mat Lafleur, Arrow Moving and Storage


Doorprize:   Congrats to Mat LaFleur who won a $25 Execs gift certificate from City Glass!




Notes from your executive director:

 At today’s board of directors meeting, the board:

Approved Primary membership for KC Spencer, Colorado Water and Mold Restoration, Category-Water & Mold Restoration.  KC is sponsored by Todd Matia, Harvey Investment Mgmt. Thank you, Todd, for sponsoring KC!  And, KC, welcome to Execs!  We are so happy to have you as a new member!


Approved Primary membership for Paul Hasty, Tint Technologies.  Category-Window Tinting.  Paul is sponsored by Angie Peters, City Glass.  Thank you Angie, for sponsoring Paul.  And welcome back, Paul! 


Opened the category of Human Resources for Sally Avent, ADDA Infusion.  Sally has submitted a Primary member application.  She is sponsored by Diana Thate, Payroll City.  Should you know of anyone who might like to compete for this category, please bring them as a guest.  As always, it is the practice of CSEA to bring in the best in class in each category.  Competition is good!


Approved Associate membership for Brittnie Seip, Best Western Plus Fillmore Inn.  Welcome, Brittnie!  We are thrilled to have you as a new Associate member!


Our holiday party is going to be at the El Paso Club on Nov. 30!  Watch for the invitation by end of this week and MAKE SURE you RSVP BY NOVEMBER 20!  This party requires an RSVP as we have to call in a headcount ahead of time!  Thank you. 



  1. Depuy Spine is closing its distribution center in Monument, laying off the remaining sixty-seven employees. (WAYNE HEILMAN)

BUSINESS INFORMATION (information pertaining to members’ businesses):

  1. Arrow Moving and Storage offers office and industrial moves as well as household goods relocation services. Consultations and quotes are free of charge. (MAT LAFLEUR)
  2. Here’s your reminder to check your insurance renewals for home and auto. If you think you are paying too much, give us a call 719-599-3600, option 1. (JENN KOLK)
  3. You can extend the life of your hot water heater by draining it once a year. (MIKE EDDE)
  4. Garden of the Gods Club still has availability for holiday parties. (MIKE GARROW)
  5. Announcement: (open to the public) December 12, 12pm-3pm “Ziggy/Santa Extravaganza”. (BAILEY COOK-SWITCHBACKS)
  6. With snow coming, it sure helps to have snow cleared! As we clear clutter, remember what cannot be put in trash cans: tires, paint, batteries, aerosol cans (unless empty). (DAVID PEREZ)
  7. Announcement: I have been installed to the Pikes Peak Association Realtor Board for a three-year term. (EDDIE HURT)
  8. Don’t forget Execs get a 10% discount on holiday parties. (KATHY DREILING)
  9. 5.65% APY, 11-month CD for new money to Ent….still :) (CANDY VANDENBERG)
  10. Looking for a sponsor for Jazz Ad Lib Lab to support young musicians. Contact Stephanie at (STEPHANIE HORTON)


  1. None


  1. Peter and the Starcatcher has four more performances this weekend. Sunday is the final one. Tickets: (WAYNE HEILMAN)

DIRECT LEADS (when you yourself do business w/ a member or someone you referred to a member does business with that member) AND REFERRALS:

  1. Direct lead to Mark Peniston, our CPA. (DIANA THATE)
  2. Direct lead to JP West with WestCo Insurance. (DIANA THATE)
  3. Direct lead to JP West for my HOA. (WAYNE HEILMAN)
  4. Direct lead to The Gazette, ongoing. (MICHAEL GARNER)
  5. Direct lead to Pikes Peak Center, for tickets. (MICHAEL GARNER)
  6. Direct lead to Picnic Basket. (TREVOR DIERDORFF)
  7. Direct lead to American Printing, Chris. (MIKE EDDE)
  8. Direct lead to Chris, American Printing. (MIKE GARROW)
  9. Direct lead to American Printing. (TARA IRONS)
  10. Direct lead to Coaltrain. (CAROLINE FLEMING)
  11. Direct lead to Pikes Peak Center for dinner and Pops concert. (GARY ALTMAN)
  12. Direct lead to Overhead Door. (JOE WILSON)
  13. Direct lead for Windows to City Glass. (JOE WILSON)
  14. Direct lead to Swartz Electric. (EDDIE HURT)
  15. Direct lead to Colorado Running Company. (EDDIE HURT)
  16. Direct lead to Canyon Signs. (EDDIE HURT)
  17. Direct lead to Greccio Housing (silent auction donation). (BRENDA SPEER)
  18. Direct lead to Mike at Windshields Express…quote on chipped windshield and new windshield. (BEN WOJCHIK)
  19. Direct lead to Mark Rohn, Rohn CPA Group. (KIM GRIFFIS)
  20. Direct lead to Advanced Impressions for hats. (STEPHANIE HORTON)
  21. Direct lead to Ent. (KAREN HEUN)
  22. Direct lead to Payroll City. (KAREN HEUN)
  23. Direct lead to American Printing, Chris. (SPENCER SWANN)
  24. Direct lead to The Gazette. (MIKE ESCHLER)


  1. None


  1. Congrats Jim and Peggy at Coaltrain for ‘Best Of’ awards. Gold in all categories! (KATHY DREILING)               


  1. Thank you, Sally, for the referral! (JP WEST)
  2. Thank you, Diana, for the referral! (JP WEST)
  3. Don Moon, thank you for reminding everyone about Veterans Day and what 11/11 stands for. (KEVIN HOLT)
  4. A big ‘THANK YOU’ to those Execs who generously sponsored many Thanksgiving baskets. We’ve met our goal of eight-five baskets! (JIM SMITH)
  5. Thank you, Don Moon, for reminding us of the true meaning of Veterans Day. (KIM GRIFFIS)
  6. Thanks Mark for chatting over lunch last week. (STEPHANIE HORTON)
  7. Thank you Angie Peters, for doing an employee webstore with us. (KAREN HEUN)
  8. Thank you Joe Roybal for doing your webstore with us. (KAREN HEUN)
  9. Thanks Eddie and Michelle for ‘The Village at Skyline’ sign. (SPENCER SWANN)
  10. Mike Edde thanks for the HVAC education! You finally helped me understand our issue and I appreciate your willingness to run by the house. (TODD MATIA)
  11. Thanks to all of the folks in the financial ‘subgroup!’ Excited to get to know you and serve our clients together. (TODD MATIA)


  1. David Horwitz, I will go in with you on the Springs Rescue Mission sponsorship. (GREG SWARTZ)
  2. Happy Birthday Mat! (BRENDA SPEER)
  3. So good to see everyone! Wow, our organization is growing! (KATHY DREILING)
  4. Good to see Kathy! (SPENCER SWANN)


  1. First Christian Church is selling their building, next to the El Paso Club. (WAYNE HEILMAN)
  2. Brittnie from the Best Western Plus gave me a tour of their facilities. Their suites are very nice and include a full size refrigerator, dishwasher and stackable laundry in the suite. We are excited to stay in the hotel for a short time when we are renting our house out. (TODD MATIA)


  1. Nine new restaurants are coming to the Colorado Springs Airport, including Einstein Bros. Bagels and Street Eats by Brother Luck. (WAYNE HEILMAN)
  2. National Karate is opening at 1875 S. Nevada; Gail and Jeff. (DAVID HORWITZ)


  1. Great presentation! (DIANA THATE)
  2. Very interesting and informative-thanks! (JIM SMITH)
  3. Great program! (EDDIE HURT)
  4. Thank you Make A Wish for your presentation and all that you do. Bless you. (CANDY VANDENBERG)
  5. Great presentation today. Thanks Angie for bringing Make A Wish to us. (KIM GRIFFIS)
  6. Great program. (SPENCER SWANN)
  7. Thank you for a wonderful presentation. Very emotional. (MIKE ESCHLER)
  8. Great program; great organization! (JIM LITTLE)
  9. Great presentation today! (MARK PENISTON)
  10. Great program Angie. (TERRENCE VANSANT)
  11. Thank you Make a Wish for sharing with us what you do. (BRENDA SPEER)







Tricia Muehlbauer, Executive Director

 PO Box 7585 Colorado Springs, CO 80933-7585
Telephone: 719-291-5545; Fax: 719-213-2693

The information herein is privileged and is furnished by and for the members of the Colorado Springs Executives
Association. Any claim of damage resulting from others having access hereto is the sole responsibility of the
members or firm permitting such and is not the responsibility of the Association. Information in the newsletter has
been obtained and listed with care from sources deemed reliable, but its correctness is not guaranteed.

Current Board of Directors:-Jenn Kolk, President; Tara Irons-Past President; Chris Waldron-Vice President; Stephanie Horton-Secretary; Diana Thate Treasurer; Todd Matia; Larry Blevins; Karen Heun; Kody Miller


To download the newsletter, click here.


November 15, 2023

Next week, John Cole, El Paso County Parks and Community Services, will present to us.  He will discuss their new Business Program starting in 

January 2024 and the Holiday Tree Cycle Program.  Join us for this presentation.  Here come the holidays! 


November 8, 2023

Thank you to Angie Peters, City Glass for bringing Grace Ehemann, Corporate Relations Manager for Make-A-Wish Colorado for today’s presentation.  Grace shared their mission: to provide life-changing wishes to children with critical illnesses all across the state! For a child battling a critical illness, treatments can seem as debilitating as the illnesses themselves. This is where Make-A-Wish comes in…to offer a child and family the opportunity to experience the power of a wish, and life beyond their illness. Wishes can be as wide-ranging and creative as a child’s imagination, whether they wish to have a shopping spree or to meet their favorite celebrity!  They are looking to build community in Colorado Springs to help support their mission. One third of all of Colorado’s Make-A-Wish kids were from our area last year!  To get involved, reach out to Angie at City Glass!  She can connect you!





Jenn Kolk– Ash Burden, Brightway Insurance

Todd Matia– KC Spencer, Colorado Water and Mold Restoration

Lisa Coe– James Webb, Mears Broadband Construction

Angie Peters– Rae Wade, City Glass; Paul Hasty-Tint Technologies and Grace Ehemam, Make A Wish

Diana Thate-Sally Avent, ADDA Infusion



November 11– Mat Lafleur, Arrow Moving and Storage


Doorprize:   Congrats to Mat LaFleur who won a $25 Execs gift certificate from City Glass!




Notes from your executive director:

 At today’s board of directors meeting, the board:

Approved Primary membership for KC Spencer, Colorado Water and Mold Restoration, Category-Water & Mold Restoration.  KC is sponsored by Todd Matia, Harvey Investment Mgmt. Thank you, Todd, for sponsoring KC!  And, KC, welcome to Execs!  We are so happy to have you as a new member!


Approved Primary membership for Paul Hasty, Tint Technologies.  Category-Window Tinting.  Paul is sponsored by Angie Peters, City Glass.  Thank you Angie, for sponsoring Paul.  And welcome back, Paul! 


Opened the category of Human Resources for Sally Avent, ADDA Infusion.  Sally has submitted a Primary member application.  She is sponsored by Diana Thate, Payroll City.  Should you know of anyone who might like to compete for this category, please bring them as a guest.  As always, it is the practice of CSEA to bring in the best in class in each category.  Competition is good!


Approved Associate membership for Brittnie Seip, Best Western Plus Fillmore Inn.  Welcome, Brittnie!  We are thrilled to have you as a new Associate member!


Our holiday party is going to be at the El Paso Club on Nov. 30!  Watch for the invitation by end of this week and MAKE SURE you RSVP BY NOVEMBER 20!  This party requires an RSVP as we have to call in a headcount ahead of time!  Thank you. 



  1. Depuy Spine is closing its distribution center in Monument, laying off the remaining sixty-seven employees. (WAYNE HEILMAN)

BUSINESS INFORMATION (information pertaining to members’ businesses):

  1. Arrow Moving and Storage offers office and industrial moves as well as household goods relocation services. Consultations and quotes are free of charge. (MAT LAFLEUR)
  2. Here’s your reminder to check your insurance renewals for home and auto. If you think you are paying too much, give us a call 719-599-3600, option 1. (JENN KOLK)
  3. You can extend the life of your hot water heater by draining it once a year. (MIKE EDDE)
  4. Garden of the Gods Club still has availability for holiday parties. (MIKE GARROW)
  5. Announcement: (open to the public) December 12, 12pm-3pm “Ziggy/Santa Extravaganza”. (BAILEY COOK-SWITCHBACKS)
  6. With snow coming, it sure helps to have snow cleared! As we clear clutter, remember what cannot be put in trash cans: tires, paint, batteries, aerosol cans (unless empty). (DAVID PEREZ)
  7. Announcement: I have been installed to the Pikes Peak Association Realtor Board for a three-year term. (EDDIE HURT)
  8. Don’t forget Execs get a 10% discount on holiday parties. (KATHY DREILING)
  9. 5.65% APY, 11-month CD for new money to Ent….still :) (CANDY VANDENBERG)
  10. Looking for a sponsor for Jazz Ad Lib Lab to support young musicians. Contact Stephanie at (STEPHANIE HORTON)


  1. None


  1. Peter and the Starcatcher has four more performances this weekend. Sunday is the final one. Tickets: (WAYNE HEILMAN)

DIRECT LEADS (when you yourself do business w/ a member or someone you referred to a member does business with that member) AND REFERRALS:

  1. Direct lead to Mark Peniston, our CPA. (DIANA THATE)
  2. Direct lead to JP West with WestCo Insurance. (DIANA THATE)
  3. Direct lead to JP West for my HOA. (WAYNE HEILMAN)
  4. Direct lead to The Gazette, ongoing. (MICHAEL GARNER)
  5. Direct lead to Pikes Peak Center, for tickets. (MICHAEL GARNER)
  6. Direct lead to Picnic Basket. (TREVOR DIERDORFF)
  7. Direct lead to American Printing, Chris. (MIKE EDDE)
  8. Direct lead to Chris, American Printing. (MIKE GARROW)
  9. Direct lead to American Printing. (TARA IRONS)
  10. Direct lead to Coaltrain. (CAROLINE FLEMING)
  11. Direct lead to Pikes Peak Center for dinner and Pops concert. (GARY ALTMAN)
  12. Direct lead to Overhead Door. (JOE WILSON)
  13. Direct lead for Windows to City Glass. (JOE WILSON)
  14. Direct lead to Swartz Electric. (EDDIE HURT)
  15. Direct lead to Colorado Running Company. (EDDIE HURT)
  16. Direct lead to Canyon Signs. (EDDIE HURT)
  17. Direct lead to Greccio Housing (silent auction donation). (BRENDA SPEER)
  18. Direct lead to Mike at Windshields Express…quote on chipped windshield and new windshield. (BEN WOJCHIK)
  19. Direct lead to Mark Rohn, Rohn CPA Group. (KIM GRIFFIS)
  20. Direct lead to Advanced Impressions for hats. (STEPHANIE HORTON)
  21. Direct lead to Ent. (KAREN HEUN)
  22. Direct lead to Payroll City. (KAREN HEUN)
  23. Direct lead to American Printing, Chris. (SPENCER SWANN)
  24. Direct lead to The Gazette. (MIKE ESCHLER)


  1. None


  1. Congrats Jim and Peggy at Coaltrain for ‘Best Of’ awards. Gold in all categories! (KATHY DREILING)               


  1. Thank you, Sally, for the referral! (JP WEST)
  2. Thank you, Diana, for the referral! (JP WEST)
  3. Don Moon, thank you for reminding everyone about Veterans Day and what 11/11 stands for. (KEVIN HOLT)
  4. A big ‘THANK YOU’ to those Execs who generously sponsored many Thanksgiving baskets. We’ve met our goal of eight-five baskets! (JIM SMITH)
  5. Thank you, Don Moon, for reminding us of the true meaning of Veterans Day. (KIM GRIFFIS)
  6. Thanks Mark for chatting over lunch last week. (STEPHANIE HORTON)
  7. Thank you Angie Peters, for doing an employee webstore with us. (KAREN HEUN)
  8. Thank you Joe Roybal for doing your webstore with us. (KAREN HEUN)
  9. Thanks Eddie and Michelle for ‘The Village at Skyline’ sign. (SPENCER SWANN)
  10. Mike Edde thanks for the HVAC education! You finally helped me understand our issue and I appreciate your willingness to run by the house. (TODD MATIA)
  11. Thanks to all of the folks in the financial ‘subgroup!’ Excited to get to know you and serve our clients together. (TODD MATIA)


  1. David Horwitz, I will go in with you on the Springs Rescue Mission sponsorship. (GREG SWARTZ)
  2. Happy Birthday Mat! (BRENDA SPEER)
  3. So good to see everyone! Wow, our organization is growing! (KATHY DREILING)
  4. Good to see Kathy! (SPENCER SWANN)


  1. First Christian Church is selling their building, next to the El Paso Club. (WAYNE HEILMAN)
  2. Brittnie from the Best Western Plus gave me a tour of their facilities. Their suites are very nice and include a full size refrigerator, dishwasher and stackable laundry in the suite. We are excited to stay in the hotel for a short time when we are renting our house out. (TODD MATIA)


  1. Nine new restaurants are coming to the Colorado Springs Airport, including Einstein Bros. Bagels and Street Eats by Brother Luck. (WAYNE HEILMAN)
  2. National Karate is opening at 1875 S. Nevada; Gail and Jeff. (DAVID HORWITZ)


  1. Great presentation! (DIANA THATE)
  2. Very interesting and informative-thanks! (JIM SMITH)
  3. Great program! (EDDIE HURT)
  4. Thank you Make A Wish for your presentation and all that you do. Bless you. (CANDY VANDENBERG)
  5. Great presentation today. Thanks Angie for bringing Make A Wish to us. (KIM GRIFFIS)
  6. Great program. (SPENCER SWANN)
  7. Thank you for a wonderful presentation. Very emotional. (MIKE ESCHLER)
  8. Great program; great organization! (JIM LITTLE)
  9. Great presentation today! (MARK PENISTON)
  10. Great program Angie. (TERRENCE VANSANT)
  11. Thank you Make a Wish for sharing with us what you do. (BRENDA SPEER)