How EXECS Works
Execs is made up of 67 Primary members (companies). A category may only be held by one member. We have been in existence since 1960!
How can I become a member?
There is a list of categories at the bottom of this page that have been occupied in the past. If your category isn’t showing here, please email our Executive Director to see if your category is open. If it is, we will arrange for you to attend a breakfast or two prior to applying. Our Executive Director will walk you through this and set you up with a current member you may already know who will bring you as a guest. It is important to note our members are long term members who value the relationships they build within the organization. We are ‘business helping business.’
If you desire to apply, you will need to be sponsored by a current member who will sign and submit your application. Each applicant is required to come before the Board of Directors for a brief and friendly interview. Our board meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month after our breakfast meeting. If the board agrees to open the category, it will be posted in our confidential, weekly newsletter for three weeks (per by-laws). During this time, the membership is encouraged to bring other guests who may be interested in the category as well. It is the goal of Execs to align the organization with the ‘best of the best’ in each category. Following the three week open period, the board votes on all applications submitted for the category. Only one will be chosen.
What is the cost?
One time initiation fee – $175
Dues for primary member – $35/month
Dues for retired member (a member who was once a primary member in Execs but has since retired)-$10/month
Dues for associate members-none, although there is a one time application fee of $50 for each associate.
Breakfasts-Members are billed for the number of breakfasts that occur in each month, whether or not they attend the meetings. There are typically four in each month. At present, they are $24.00 each. Unused breakfasts do not carry forward to be used at a later date. Billing for Primary members is done one month in advance.
Some categories that were once occupied and could be reopened by submitting an application:
(Many others could be opened as well. Don’t see a particular category here or in our current member directory? Ask!)
Appliance repair
Oral surgeon
Hot tubs/Spas/billiards
Photo store
Coffee shop/meeting house
Illuminated sign company
Home health care
Event planner
Auto rental company
Survey company
Community College
Men’s clothing
Flooring store
Fine dining/steakhouse
Beverage distributor
Eye doctor/ophthalmologist
Furniture repair/upholstery
Pet Store/Groomer
Home Computer Service