The Colorado Springs Executives Association is Colorado Springs’ oldest active business networking group. Founded in 1960, the first meeting actually took place on July 1st with thirty-six founding members on record. CSEA, or “Execs” as it is popularly called, was organized and still functions for only one purpose: business. It is not a philanthropic, service, or social organization. Its purpose is to act as a mechanism to help its members generate new business and run their businesses and organizations effectively.
Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are held on Wednesday mornings at the El Paso Club.
El Paso Club, 30 E. Platte Ave.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Networking starts at 7:00am.
PO Box 7585
Colorado Springs CO 80933
719-291-5545 (office)
Email CSEA
Many of the photos in this website are courtesy of
The Colorado Springs Convention & Visitors Bureau
Website Design by Infront Webworks