About CSEA
The Colorado Springs Executives Association is Colorado Springs’ longest-standing, active business networking organization. Founded in 1960, the first meeting actually took place on July 1st with thirty-six founding members on record. CSEA, or “Execs” as it is popularly called, was organized and still functions for only one purpose: business. It is not a philanthropic, service, or social organization. Its purpose is to act as a mechanism to help its members generate new business and run their businesses and organizations effectively.
Primary membership in CSEA is, for the most part, limited to owners and principal managers of businesses in the Pikes Peak region. There can be only one member from a particular classification of business.
Each Primary Member may designate up to two Associate Members who may attend meetings and participate in addition to, or in the place of, the Primary Member. There is also a class of Honorary Members and a class of Retired Members.
The Association meets weekly each Wednesday for breakfast at 7:30 a.m. at the El Paso Club, 30 E. Platte Ave., Colorado Springs, CO. Many members come at 7am for networking. Meetings end around 8:30. Often times, we have guest speakers.
Helping members in their businesses is accomplished through the Association at meetings, doing business with each other whenever possible, and providing each other with potentially helpful information. This information is in the form of “leads,” or direct referrals. Leads are submitted by members at each meeting and published in a confidential weekly newsletter. Leads may be information about one’s own business, information that pertains directly to another member’s business, or general information that may be helpful to other members.
Each member undertakes the obligation of keeping information and sources that appear in the weekly newsletter confidential. The newsletter is meant for the exclusive use of CSEA members in connection with their own business interests.
The Association is governed by a nine-member Board of Directors, four of whom are elected each six months. The ninth director is the Immediate Past President who serves six additional months after the end of the presidential term. Officers of the Association are elected by the Board of Directors and serve six-month terms, except for the Treasurer who serves for one year. The Association has a part-time Executive Director who provides management and administrative services for the Association.