February 7, 2024 newsletter

Tricia Muehlbauer, Executive Director

 PO Box 7585 Colorado Springs, CO 80933-7585
Telephone: 719-291-5545; Fax: 719-213-2693
Email: director@csea.biz
Website: www.csea.biz

The information herein is privileged and is furnished by and for the members of the Colorado Springs Executives
Association. Any claim of damage resulting from others having access hereto is the sole responsibility of the
members or firm permitting such and is not the responsibility of the Association. Information in the newsletter has
been obtained and listed with care from sources deemed reliable, but its correctness is not guaranteed.

Current Board of Directors:-Jenn Kolk, President; Tara Irons-Past President; Chris Waldron-Vice President; Stephanie Horton-Secretary; Diana Thate Treasurer; Todd Matia; Larry Blevins; Karen Heun; Kody Miller

To download the newsletter, click here.

 February 14, 2024

KC Spencer, Colorado Water and Mold Restoration

Come next week to hear from KC Spencer!  It is his debut presentation for Execs and he will help us understand how his company excels!  Watch for a more detailed description in the next few days!

Who would like to greet for me?  7am-7:40!  Please let me know!

February 7, 2024

Thank you to Brooke Orist, for today’s presentation on COOKIES!  



Carissa Smith– Sebastian Ertelt, Fargo Patent and Business Law

Greg Swartz– Drew Lintz, Confluence Marketing

Karen Heun– Ray Whitcomb, Junk Removed Now


Happy 40th to JP West, Westco Insurance tomorrow, Feb. 8! 

Also to Mike Lloyd, Christy Sports-February 12

Congrats to Wayne Heilman who won today’s doorprize of cookies!

Notes from your executive director:

 Hooray!!  I’m a YaYa!  Meet Hosea Bear Lamping, born February 2 at 2:46pm.  

8lbs, 5oz; 21.5” long!  My heart is exploding with joy!  

Next week is our board meeting!  

At last month’s board meeting, the board opened the category of ‘Plumber’ for Pilar Chavarria, the Happy Plumber. Pilar is sponsored by Paul Hasty, Tint Technologies. Voting will take place at next week’s board meeting.

Help me book a solid calendar of educational presentations!  We are now in need of March presenters.  This is the very best way to showcase your company…by taking the floor and entertaining/educating our association!  


  1. None

BUSINESS INFORMATION (information pertaining to members’ businesses):

  1. Are you ready for Valentine’s Day? We got treats! (BROOKE ORIST)

  2. Arrow Moving and Storage offers household moving as well as office and industrial moving services. (MAT LAFLEUR)

  3. There’s great snow in the mountains! Come by Christy Sports to get geared up. Reserve rental gear online to get 20% off at christysports.com. (MIKE LLOYD)

  4. Rates are down and the market is heating up! Give me a call! (KODY MILLER)

  5. Krueger Brothers Construction steps to project estimate: 1. Measure 2. Design/Plan review 3. Estimate. Let us know how we can help with your project this spring. 719-358-7053. (MICHAEL KRUEGER)

  6. Yes, TECC Painting can match the texture of your stucco when we do repairs. Yes, we coat stucco with a waterproof coating that will make the stucco weatherproof. The coating is called elastomeric and is a waterproof coating. 719-577-9300. (TONY ELLIS)

  7. Springs Rescue Misson’s Golf Classic is at The Sanctuary this year on June 18th, 2024. You’ll connect with over 100 top business leaders. Email Tina at tinaz@springsrescuemission.org. Mention Execs and receive $250 off a foursome! Play the EXCLUSIVE Sanctuary Golf Course. (TRAVIS WILLIAMS)


  1. None


  1. February 29th, March 1st and 2nd, are the dates for this year’s Wine Festival of Colorado Springs. This year’s festival will have seminars, dinners, lunches and a Grand Tasting on Friday night. Most events take place at The Broadmoor. (JIM LITTLE)

  2. We are hosting a “Business n’ Brews” Happy Hour at Mash Mechanix February 29th, 5-7pm. No sales pitch. First drink on us! (MICHAEL GARNER)

DIRECT LEADS (when you yourself do business w/ a member or someone you referred to a member does business with that member) AND REFERRALS:

  1. Direct lead to Ent Credit Union. (WAYNE HEILMAN)

  2. Direct lead to Coaltrain. (EDDIE HURT)

  3. Direct lead to Sasquatch Cookies. We’ve been carrying them and selling them like crazy. Plus, we love them! (JIM LITTLE)

  4. Direct lead to Pikes Peak Center for the symphony concert. (GARY ALTMAN)

  5. Direct lead to Pikes Peak Center. (MIKE ESCHLER)

  6. Direct lead to Mark Peniston…need to chat. (DIANA THATE)

  7. Direct lead to Cultivate. (SALLY AVENT)

  8. Direct lead to Tint Technologies. (SALLY AVENT)

  9. Direct lead to Greg Swartz. Thank you for helping us out with our electrical inspection! (JENN KOLK)

  10. Direct lead to Dan Adam for a vehicle repair. (MIKE EDDE)

  11. Direct lead to Tony Elllis. (MIKE GARROW)

  12. Direct lead to Christy Sports. (CAROLINE FLEMING)

  13. Direct lead to Joe Wilson, A Healthy Smile Dental Center. (LARRY BLEVINS)

  14. Direct lead to Spencer Swann for our window decals at the shop. (KAREN HEUN)

  15. Direct lead to Paul at Tint Technologies. (ANGIE PETERS)

  16. Direct lead to Sasquatch Cookies. (ANGIE PETERS)

  17. Direct lead to Swartz Electric. (ANGIE PETERS)

  18. Direct lead to Candy/Ent for setting me up with a business banking account! (JESSE CARILLO)

  19. Direct lead to Coaltrain for wine. (DON MOON)

  20. Direct lead to Furry Friends…Cathy Berdon. (DANA ROCHA)

  21. Direct lead to Furry Friends. (DIANE DOYLE)

  22. Direct lead to Waldrons Photography via Next Door. (DIANE DOYLE)

  23. Direct lead to JonMarc, Cultivate, via Next Door. (DIANE DOYLE)

  24. Direct lead to Carissa, Forbush Legal. (CANDY VANDENBERG)

  25. Direct lead to Brightway Insurance, x3. Thanks for being a rockstar, Ash! (KODY MILLER)

  26. Direct lead to The Gazette.renewal of the digital paper. (MARK COPELIN)

  27. Direct lead to Mike at Garden of the Gods Resort. Corporate VSI March Madness event! (BEN WOJCHIK)

  28. Direct lead to Brooke…catering order for USI lunch Friday! (BEN WOJCHIK)

  29. Direct lead to Swartz Electric. TECC Painting needs some more outlets in our shop. (TONY ELLIS)

  30. Direct lead to Wendy’s. (STEVE NYRHINEN)

  31. Direct lead to The Gazette, ongoing. (STEVE NYRHINEN)


  1. My wife is looking for a new opportunity. She is a 10+yr veteran as director of HR. She is looking for something at 32 hours a week. Let me know if you have any opportunities available. (JESSE CARILLO)

  2. Know someone who wants to report for The Gazette? Let me know so I can help connect! (JESSY VAN DYNE)


  1. Bernard Sandoval is an amazing artist. Go visit his office. (TODD MATIA)          

  2. Congratulations, Grandmother Trish! (BRENDA SPEER)      

  3. Congratulations Trish on being a new grandma! (TARA IRONS)


  1. Thank you Nancy Kelly for the lead. (EDDIE HURT)

  2. Thank you Todd Matia for meeting with me. (EDDIE HURT)

  3. Thank you Tony Ellis for lunch on Monday. (EDDIE HURT)

  4. Angie and City Glass, thanks for your amazing customer service! (TODD MATIA)

  5. Ash and Brightway, thanks for joining our pickleball crew! (TODD MATIA)

  6. Mark Peniston, thanks for being a great resource! (TODD MATIA)

  7. KC, thanks for taking care of my business partner’s house. (TODD MATIA)

  8. JP, thanks for taking care of my clients! (TODD MATIA)

  9. Dan, thanks. (TODD MATIA)

  10. Thank you to Jay Gust and Carissa Smith for having me as a guest. (SEBASTIAN ERTELT)

  11. Thank you Happy Plumber (not yet a member but I used his services.) (MIKE ESCHLER)

  12. Thank you JP for partnering with us! (JONMARC RADSPINNER)

  13. Thanks Dan Adam for letting me help with the heating issue. (MIKE EDDE)

  14. Thank you Mike Eschler for your bag order. (KAREN HEUN)

  15. Thank you Michael Krueger for your orders. (KAREN HEUN)

  16. Thank you JP West for your pen order. (KAREN HEUN)

  17. Terry VanSant, thanks for your advice. (NANCY KELLY)

  18. A huge thanks to Brenda Speer and Benard Sandoval for their donations to the Morning Hatch Foundation fundraiser. Their raffle prizes of the “Who Did What?!” game and three Trout Series #1 prints, respectively, helped raise funds for mental health services through recreational activities in our community. The event was sold out and the help from our fellow Execs was much appreciated. Thank you. (JANET BURNS)

  19. Karen Heun, thank you for my pens! (JP WEST)

  20. Thank you Cultivate House Detailing for fixing my gutter problem. (JP WEST)

  21. Thank you Jim and Coaltrain for wholesaling our cookies! (BROOKE ORIST)

  22. Thanks Mike at Windshields Express for the magnetic sign work! (SPENCER SWANN)

  23. Thanks Jen for the ‘Primonis’ & ‘Gold-Belly’ tips! (SPENCER SWANN)

  24. Tony at TECC-thanks for setting up the meeting for Thursday. (MARK COPELIN)

  25. Greg Swartz, thanks for your advice and help on my electrical needs in my greenhouse. (KEVIN HOLT)


  1. I will be having back surgery on March 25th at Memorial North, so I will miss 4-6 weeks of meetings. (WAYNE HEILMAN)

  2. I had a family loss last month. If you have someone that you love, hold them close. (MIKE EDDE)

  3. We will miss you Jessy! Good luck on your next chapter. (BRENDA SPEER)

  4. Jesse Carillo, I’m looking forward to our brainstorming session. (NANCY KELLY)

  5. Today is my last day! Thank you all for the great conversations, biz news help and friendships since I’ve been a part of Execs! I’m not moving so I’m still around town. You can reach me at jessannan@gmail.com. (JESSY VAN DYNE)

  6. Happy Birthday Mike. (TERRENCE VANSANT)

  7. Michael Krueger, the window fix happened by your referral team. It is a good fix. (MARK COPELIN)

  8. Jesse, thanks for your continued efforts to film the timelapse of the micro green from start to harvest. I am looking forward to seeing the final production. (KEVIN HOLT)


  1. Since I am no longer able to play golf, I have a nice set of clubs and accessories that I need to sell! I went to ‘Play it Again Sports’ store and they want to give you virtually nothing for your used clubs and are very selective in what they will take so I thought I would make personal contact with friends. If you, or you have friends who are in the market for a good set of golf clubs that won’t cost you an arm and a leg to buy, please contact me at jamessmith_2ndopinioninc@msn.com or 719-310-8483. The set consists of a very nice stand bag (Golfmate with double shoulder straps, cover and many pockets), two drivers (1 Callaway and 1 TaylorMade), 1 set of irons, 3 extra wedges, 1 wood (not sure if #3 or #5 as I lost the other) and 2 putters. Accessories consist of a pair of 9D white golf shoes with carrying bag, a golf umbrella, dozens of balls and tees, nice club covers, and a few more miscellaneous items. I will have them in my car for the next couple of weeks for anyone to see! (JIM SMITH)


  1. None


  1. Great and fun presentation, Brooke. (EDDIE HURT)

  2. Great presentation. VERY TASTY. (ROBERT MARTIN)

  3. Thank you Sasquatch for the treats. (MIKE GARROW)

  4. Thank you Sasquatch. Amazing cookies and presentation. (CAROLINE FLEMING)

  5. Thanks to Brooke for the cookies. Great program. (LARRY BLEVINS)

  6. Thank you for the cookie and presentation Brooke! (BRENDA SPEER)

  7. Thanks Brooke for a great and fun program. (JIM SMITH)

  8. Brooke, super fun presentation and great cookies! (NANCY KELLY)

  9. FYI Sasquatch sells cookies at FIZZ and Coaltrain. (JP WEST)

  10. Great presentation, Brooke. Thanks for the cookies. (TARA IRONS)

  11. Thank you to Brooke for the lovely cookies! (KIM GRIFFIS)

  12. Brooke, thanks for the fabulous cookies! (CANDY VANDENBERG)

  13. Great presentation Brooke. (TERRENCE VANSANT)

  14. Thanks Brooke. Enjoyed your cookie show. I love your store. Lots of swag! (SPENCER SWANN)

  15. Excellent program. Excellent cookies! Thanks, Brooke! (KODY MILLER)

  16. Congratulations to Sasquatch Cookies and all their success! (TONY ELLIS)

Tricia Muehlbauer, Executive Director

 PO Box 7585 Colorado Springs, CO 80933-7585
Telephone: 719-291-5545; Fax: 719-213-2693
Email: director@csea.biz
Website: www.csea.biz

The information herein is privileged and is furnished by and for the members of the Colorado Springs Executives
Association. Any claim of damage resulting from others having access hereto is the sole responsibility of the
members or firm permitting such and is not the responsibility of the Association. Information in the newsletter has
been obtained and listed with care from sources deemed reliable, but its correctness is not guaranteed.

Current Board of Directors:-Jenn Kolk, President; Tara Irons-Past President; Chris Waldron-Vice President; Stephanie Horton-Secretary; Diana Thate Treasurer; Todd Matia; Larry Blevins; Karen Heun; Kody Miller

To download the newsletter, click here.

 February 14, 2024

KC Spencer, Colorado Water and Mold Restoration

Come next week to hear from KC Spencer!  It is his debut presentation for Execs and he will help us understand how his company excels!  Watch for a more detailed description in the next few days!

Who would like to greet for me?  7am-7:40!  Please let me know!

February 7, 2024

Thank you to Brooke Orist, for today’s presentation on COOKIES!  



Carissa Smith– Sebastian Ertelt, Fargo Patent and Business Law

Greg Swartz– Drew Lintz, Confluence Marketing

Karen Heun– Ray Whitcomb, Junk Removed Now


Happy 40th to JP West, Westco Insurance tomorrow, Feb. 8! 

Also to Mike Lloyd, Christy Sports-February 12

Congrats to Wayne Heilman who won today’s doorprize of cookies!

Notes from your executive director:

 Hooray!!  I’m a YaYa!  Meet Hosea Bear Lamping, born February 2 at 2:46pm.  

8lbs, 5oz; 21.5” long!  My heart is exploding with joy!  

Next week is our board meeting!  

At last month’s board meeting, the board opened the category of ‘Plumber’ for Pilar Chavarria, the Happy Plumber. Pilar is sponsored by Paul Hasty, Tint Technologies. Voting will take place at next week’s board meeting.

Help me book a solid calendar of educational presentations!  We are now in need of March presenters.  This is the very best way to showcase your company…by taking the floor and entertaining/educating our association!  


  1. None

BUSINESS INFORMATION (information pertaining to members’ businesses):

  1. Are you ready for Valentine’s Day? We got treats! (BROOKE ORIST)

  2. Arrow Moving and Storage offers household moving as well as office and industrial moving services. (MAT LAFLEUR)

  3. There’s great snow in the mountains! Come by Christy Sports to get geared up. Reserve rental gear online to get 20% off at christysports.com. (MIKE LLOYD)

  4. Rates are down and the market is heating up! Give me a call! (KODY MILLER)

  5. Krueger Brothers Construction steps to project estimate: 1. Measure 2. Design/Plan review 3. Estimate. Let us know how we can help with your project this spring. 719-358-7053. (MICHAEL KRUEGER)

  6. Yes, TECC Painting can match the texture of your stucco when we do repairs. Yes, we coat stucco with a waterproof coating that will make the stucco weatherproof. The coating is called elastomeric and is a waterproof coating. 719-577-9300. (TONY ELLIS)

  7. Springs Rescue Misson’s Golf Classic is at The Sanctuary this year on June 18th, 2024. You’ll connect with over 100 top business leaders. Email Tina at tinaz@springsrescuemission.org. Mention Execs and receive $250 off a foursome! Play the EXCLUSIVE Sanctuary Golf Course. (TRAVIS WILLIAMS)


  1. None


  1. February 29th, March 1st and 2nd, are the dates for this year’s Wine Festival of Colorado Springs. This year’s festival will have seminars, dinners, lunches and a Grand Tasting on Friday night. Most events take place at The Broadmoor. (JIM LITTLE)

  2. We are hosting a “Business n’ Brews” Happy Hour at Mash Mechanix February 29th, 5-7pm. No sales pitch. First drink on us! (MICHAEL GARNER)

DIRECT LEADS (when you yourself do business w/ a member or someone you referred to a member does business with that member) AND REFERRALS:

  1. Direct lead to Ent Credit Union. (WAYNE HEILMAN)

  2. Direct lead to Coaltrain. (EDDIE HURT)

  3. Direct lead to Sasquatch Cookies. We’ve been carrying them and selling them like crazy. Plus, we love them! (JIM LITTLE)

  4. Direct lead to Pikes Peak Center for the symphony concert. (GARY ALTMAN)

  5. Direct lead to Pikes Peak Center. (MIKE ESCHLER)

  6. Direct lead to Mark Peniston…need to chat. (DIANA THATE)

  7. Direct lead to Cultivate. (SALLY AVENT)

  8. Direct lead to Tint Technologies. (SALLY AVENT)

  9. Direct lead to Greg Swartz. Thank you for helping us out with our electrical inspection! (JENN KOLK)

  10. Direct lead to Dan Adam for a vehicle repair. (MIKE EDDE)

  11. Direct lead to Tony Elllis. (MIKE GARROW)

  12. Direct lead to Christy Sports. (CAROLINE FLEMING)

  13. Direct lead to Joe Wilson, A Healthy Smile Dental Center. (LARRY BLEVINS)

  14. Direct lead to Spencer Swann for our window decals at the shop. (KAREN HEUN)

  15. Direct lead to Paul at Tint Technologies. (ANGIE PETERS)

  16. Direct lead to Sasquatch Cookies. (ANGIE PETERS)

  17. Direct lead to Swartz Electric. (ANGIE PETERS)

  18. Direct lead to Candy/Ent for setting me up with a business banking account! (JESSE CARILLO)

  19. Direct lead to Coaltrain for wine. (DON MOON)

  20. Direct lead to Furry Friends…Cathy Berdon. (DANA ROCHA)

  21. Direct lead to Furry Friends. (DIANE DOYLE)

  22. Direct lead to Waldrons Photography via Next Door. (DIANE DOYLE)

  23. Direct lead to JonMarc, Cultivate, via Next Door. (DIANE DOYLE)

  24. Direct lead to Carissa, Forbush Legal. (CANDY VANDENBERG)

  25. Direct lead to Brightway Insurance, x3. Thanks for being a rockstar, Ash! (KODY MILLER)

  26. Direct lead to The Gazette.renewal of the digital paper. (MARK COPELIN)

  27. Direct lead to Mike at Garden of the Gods Resort. Corporate VSI March Madness event! (BEN WOJCHIK)

  28. Direct lead to Brooke…catering order for USI lunch Friday! (BEN WOJCHIK)

  29. Direct lead to Swartz Electric. TECC Painting needs some more outlets in our shop. (TONY ELLIS)

  30. Direct lead to Wendy’s. (STEVE NYRHINEN)

  31. Direct lead to The Gazette, ongoing. (STEVE NYRHINEN)


  1. My wife is looking for a new opportunity. She is a 10+yr veteran as director of HR. She is looking for something at 32 hours a week. Let me know if you have any opportunities available. (JESSE CARILLO)

  2. Know someone who wants to report for The Gazette? Let me know so I can help connect! (JESSY VAN DYNE)


  1. Bernard Sandoval is an amazing artist. Go visit his office. (TODD MATIA)          

  2. Congratulations, Grandmother Trish! (BRENDA SPEER)      

  3. Congratulations Trish on being a new grandma! (TARA IRONS)


  1. Thank you Nancy Kelly for the lead. (EDDIE HURT)

  2. Thank you Todd Matia for meeting with me. (EDDIE HURT)

  3. Thank you Tony Ellis for lunch on Monday. (EDDIE HURT)

  4. Angie and City Glass, thanks for your amazing customer service! (TODD MATIA)

  5. Ash and Brightway, thanks for joining our pickleball crew! (TODD MATIA)

  6. Mark Peniston, thanks for being a great resource! (TODD MATIA)

  7. KC, thanks for taking care of my business partner’s house. (TODD MATIA)

  8. JP, thanks for taking care of my clients! (TODD MATIA)

  9. Dan, thanks. (TODD MATIA)

  10. Thank you to Jay Gust and Carissa Smith for having me as a guest. (SEBASTIAN ERTELT)

  11. Thank you Happy Plumber (not yet a member but I used his services.) (MIKE ESCHLER)

  12. Thank you JP for partnering with us! (JONMARC RADSPINNER)

  13. Thanks Dan Adam for letting me help with the heating issue. (MIKE EDDE)

  14. Thank you Mike Eschler for your bag order. (KAREN HEUN)

  15. Thank you Michael Krueger for your orders. (KAREN HEUN)

  16. Thank you JP West for your pen order. (KAREN HEUN)

  17. Terry VanSant, thanks for your advice. (NANCY KELLY)

  18. A huge thanks to Brenda Speer and Benard Sandoval for their donations to the Morning Hatch Foundation fundraiser. Their raffle prizes of the “Who Did What?!” game and three Trout Series #1 prints, respectively, helped raise funds for mental health services through recreational activities in our community. The event was sold out and the help from our fellow Execs was much appreciated. Thank you. (JANET BURNS)

  19. Karen Heun, thank you for my pens! (JP WEST)

  20. Thank you Cultivate House Detailing for fixing my gutter problem. (JP WEST)

  21. Thank you Jim and Coaltrain for wholesaling our cookies! (BROOKE ORIST)

  22. Thanks Mike at Windshields Express for the magnetic sign work! (SPENCER SWANN)

  23. Thanks Jen for the ‘Primonis’ & ‘Gold-Belly’ tips! (SPENCER SWANN)

  24. Tony at TECC-thanks for setting up the meeting for Thursday. (MARK COPELIN)

  25. Greg Swartz, thanks for your advice and help on my electrical needs in my greenhouse. (KEVIN HOLT)


  1. I will be having back surgery on March 25th at Memorial North, so I will miss 4-6 weeks of meetings. (WAYNE HEILMAN)

  2. I had a family loss last month. If you have someone that you love, hold them close. (MIKE EDDE)

  3. We will miss you Jessy! Good luck on your next chapter. (BRENDA SPEER)

  4. Jesse Carillo, I’m looking forward to our brainstorming session. (NANCY KELLY)

  5. Today is my last day! Thank you all for the great conversations, biz news help and friendships since I’ve been a part of Execs! I’m not moving so I’m still around town. You can reach me at jessannan@gmail.com. (JESSY VAN DYNE)

  6. Happy Birthday Mike. (TERRENCE VANSANT)

  7. Michael Krueger, the window fix happened by your referral team. It is a good fix. (MARK COPELIN)

  8. Jesse, thanks for your continued efforts to film the timelapse of the micro green from start to harvest. I am looking forward to seeing the final production. (KEVIN HOLT)


  1. Since I am no longer able to play golf, I have a nice set of clubs and accessories that I need to sell! I went to ‘Play it Again Sports’ store and they want to give you virtually nothing for your used clubs and are very selective in what they will take so I thought I would make personal contact with friends. If you, or you have friends who are in the market for a good set of golf clubs that won’t cost you an arm and a leg to buy, please contact me at jamessmith_2ndopinioninc@msn.com or 719-310-8483. The set consists of a very nice stand bag (Golfmate with double shoulder straps, cover and many pockets), two drivers (1 Callaway and 1 TaylorMade), 1 set of irons, 3 extra wedges, 1 wood (not sure if #3 or #5 as I lost the other) and 2 putters. Accessories consist of a pair of 9D white golf shoes with carrying bag, a golf umbrella, dozens of balls and tees, nice club covers, and a few more miscellaneous items. I will have them in my car for the next couple of weeks for anyone to see! (JIM SMITH)


  1. None


  1. Great and fun presentation, Brooke. (EDDIE HURT)

  2. Great presentation. VERY TASTY. (ROBERT MARTIN)

  3. Thank you Sasquatch for the treats. (MIKE GARROW)

  4. Thank you Sasquatch. Amazing cookies and presentation. (CAROLINE FLEMING)

  5. Thanks to Brooke for the cookies. Great program. (LARRY BLEVINS)

  6. Thank you for the cookie and presentation Brooke! (BRENDA SPEER)

  7. Thanks Brooke for a great and fun program. (JIM SMITH)

  8. Brooke, super fun presentation and great cookies! (NANCY KELLY)

  9. FYI Sasquatch sells cookies at FIZZ and Coaltrain. (JP WEST)

  10. Great presentation, Brooke. Thanks for the cookies. (TARA IRONS)

  11. Thank you to Brooke for the lovely cookies! (KIM GRIFFIS)

  12. Brooke, thanks for the fabulous cookies! (CANDY VANDENBERG)

  13. Great presentation Brooke. (TERRENCE VANSANT)

  14. Thanks Brooke. Enjoyed your cookie show. I love your store. Lots of swag! (SPENCER SWANN)

  15. Excellent program. Excellent cookies! Thanks, Brooke! (KODY MILLER)

  16. Congratulations to Sasquatch Cookies and all their success! (TONY ELLIS)

Tricia Muehlbauer, Executive Director

 PO Box 7585 Colorado Springs, CO 80933-7585
Telephone: 719-291-5545; Fax: 719-213-2693
Email: director@csea.biz
Website: www.csea.biz

The information herein is privileged and is furnished by and for the members of the Colorado Springs Executives
Association. Any claim of damage resulting from others having access hereto is the sole responsibility of the
members or firm permitting such and is not the responsibility of the Association. Information in the newsletter has
been obtained and listed with care from sources deemed reliable, but its correctness is not guaranteed.

Current Board of Directors:-Jenn Kolk, President; Tara Irons-Past President; Chris Waldron-Vice President; Stephanie Horton-Secretary; Diana Thate Treasurer; Todd Matia; Larry Blevins; Karen Heun; Kody Miller

To download the newsletter, click here.

 February 14, 2024

KC Spencer, Colorado Water and Mold Restoration

Come next week to hear from KC Spencer!  It is his debut presentation for Execs and he will help us understand how his company excels!  Watch for a more detailed description in the next few days!

Who would like to greet for me?  7am-7:40!  Please let me know!

February 7, 2024

Thank you to Brooke Orist, for today’s presentation on COOKIES!  



Carissa Smith– Sebastian Ertelt, Fargo Patent and Business Law

Greg Swartz– Drew Lintz, Confluence Marketing

Karen Heun– Ray Whitcomb, Junk Removed Now


Happy 40th to JP West, Westco Insurance tomorrow, Feb. 8! 

Also to Mike Lloyd, Christy Sports-February 12

Congrats to Wayne Heilman who won today’s doorprize of cookies!

Notes from your executive director:

 Hooray!!  I’m a YaYa!  Meet Hosea Bear Lamping, born February 2 at 2:46pm.  

8lbs, 5oz; 21.5” long!  My heart is exploding with joy!  

Next week is our board meeting!  

At last month’s board meeting, the board opened the category of ‘Plumber’ for Pilar Chavarria, the Happy Plumber. Pilar is sponsored by Paul Hasty, Tint Technologies. Voting will take place at next week’s board meeting.

Help me book a solid calendar of educational presentations!  We are now in need of March presenters.  This is the very best way to showcase your company…by taking the floor and entertaining/educating our association!  


  1. None

BUSINESS INFORMATION (information pertaining to members’ businesses):

  1. Are you ready for Valentine’s Day? We got treats! (BROOKE ORIST)

  2. Arrow Moving and Storage offers household moving as well as office and industrial moving services. (MAT LAFLEUR)

  3. There’s great snow in the mountains! Come by Christy Sports to get geared up. Reserve rental gear online to get 20% off at christysports.com. (MIKE LLOYD)

  4. Rates are down and the market is heating up! Give me a call! (KODY MILLER)

  5. Krueger Brothers Construction steps to project estimate: 1. Measure 2. Design/Plan review 3. Estimate. Let us know how we can help with your project this spring. 719-358-7053. (MICHAEL KRUEGER)

  6. Yes, TECC Painting can match the texture of your stucco when we do repairs. Yes, we coat stucco with a waterproof coating that will make the stucco weatherproof. The coating is called elastomeric and is a waterproof coating. 719-577-9300. (TONY ELLIS)

  7. Springs Rescue Misson’s Golf Classic is at The Sanctuary this year on June 18th, 2024. You’ll connect with over 100 top business leaders. Email Tina at tinaz@springsrescuemission.org. Mention Execs and receive $250 off a foursome! Play the EXCLUSIVE Sanctuary Golf Course. (TRAVIS WILLIAMS)


  1. None


  1. February 29th, March 1st and 2nd, are the dates for this year’s Wine Festival of Colorado Springs. This year’s festival will have seminars, dinners, lunches and a Grand Tasting on Friday night. Most events take place at The Broadmoor. (JIM LITTLE)

  2. We are hosting a “Business n’ Brews” Happy Hour at Mash Mechanix February 29th, 5-7pm. No sales pitch. First drink on us! (MICHAEL GARNER)

DIRECT LEADS (when you yourself do business w/ a member or someone you referred to a member does business with that member) AND REFERRALS:

  1. Direct lead to Ent Credit Union. (WAYNE HEILMAN)

  2. Direct lead to Coaltrain. (EDDIE HURT)

  3. Direct lead to Sasquatch Cookies. We’ve been carrying them and selling them like crazy. Plus, we love them! (JIM LITTLE)

  4. Direct lead to Pikes Peak Center for the symphony concert. (GARY ALTMAN)

  5. Direct lead to Pikes Peak Center. (MIKE ESCHLER)

  6. Direct lead to Mark Peniston…need to chat. (DIANA THATE)

  7. Direct lead to Cultivate. (SALLY AVENT)

  8. Direct lead to Tint Technologies. (SALLY AVENT)

  9. Direct lead to Greg Swartz. Thank you for helping us out with our electrical inspection! (JENN KOLK)

  10. Direct lead to Dan Adam for a vehicle repair. (MIKE EDDE)

  11. Direct lead to Tony Elllis. (MIKE GARROW)

  12. Direct lead to Christy Sports. (CAROLINE FLEMING)

  13. Direct lead to Joe Wilson, A Healthy Smile Dental Center. (LARRY BLEVINS)

  14. Direct lead to Spencer Swann for our window decals at the shop. (KAREN HEUN)

  15. Direct lead to Paul at Tint Technologies. (ANGIE PETERS)

  16. Direct lead to Sasquatch Cookies. (ANGIE PETERS)

  17. Direct lead to Swartz Electric. (ANGIE PETERS)

  18. Direct lead to Candy/Ent for setting me up with a business banking account! (JESSE CARILLO)

  19. Direct lead to Coaltrain for wine. (DON MOON)

  20. Direct lead to Furry Friends…Cathy Berdon. (DANA ROCHA)

  21. Direct lead to Furry Friends. (DIANE DOYLE)

  22. Direct lead to Waldrons Photography via Next Door. (DIANE DOYLE)

  23. Direct lead to JonMarc, Cultivate, via Next Door. (DIANE DOYLE)

  24. Direct lead to Carissa, Forbush Legal. (CANDY VANDENBERG)

  25. Direct lead to Brightway Insurance, x3. Thanks for being a rockstar, Ash! (KODY MILLER)

  26. Direct lead to The Gazette.renewal of the digital paper. (MARK COPELIN)

  27. Direct lead to Mike at Garden of the Gods Resort. Corporate VSI March Madness event! (BEN WOJCHIK)

  28. Direct lead to Brooke…catering order for USI lunch Friday! (BEN WOJCHIK)

  29. Direct lead to Swartz Electric. TECC Painting needs some more outlets in our shop. (TONY ELLIS)

  30. Direct lead to Wendy’s. (STEVE NYRHINEN)

  31. Direct lead to The Gazette, ongoing. (STEVE NYRHINEN)


  1. My wife is looking for a new opportunity. She is a 10+yr veteran as director of HR. She is looking for something at 32 hours a week. Let me know if you have any opportunities available. (JESSE CARILLO)

  2. Know someone who wants to report for The Gazette? Let me know so I can help connect! (JESSY VAN DYNE)


  1. Bernard Sandoval is an amazing artist. Go visit his office. (TODD MATIA)          

  2. Congratulations, Grandmother Trish! (BRENDA SPEER)      

  3. Congratulations Trish on being a new grandma! (TARA IRONS)


  1. Thank you Nancy Kelly for the lead. (EDDIE HURT)

  2. Thank you Todd Matia for meeting with me. (EDDIE HURT)

  3. Thank you Tony Ellis for lunch on Monday. (EDDIE HURT)

  4. Angie and City Glass, thanks for your amazing customer service! (TODD MATIA)

  5. Ash and Brightway, thanks for joining our pickleball crew! (TODD MATIA)

  6. Mark Peniston, thanks for being a great resource! (TODD MATIA)

  7. KC, thanks for taking care of my business partner’s house. (TODD MATIA)

  8. JP, thanks for taking care of my clients! (TODD MATIA)

  9. Dan, thanks. (TODD MATIA)

  10. Thank you to Jay Gust and Carissa Smith for having me as a guest. (SEBASTIAN ERTELT)

  11. Thank you Happy Plumber (not yet a member but I used his services.) (MIKE ESCHLER)

  12. Thank you JP for partnering with us! (JONMARC RADSPINNER)

  13. Thanks Dan Adam for letting me help with the heating issue. (MIKE EDDE)

  14. Thank you Mike Eschler for your bag order. (KAREN HEUN)

  15. Thank you Michael Krueger for your orders. (KAREN HEUN)

  16. Thank you JP West for your pen order. (KAREN HEUN)

  17. Terry VanSant, thanks for your advice. (NANCY KELLY)

  18. A huge thanks to Brenda Speer and Benard Sandoval for their donations to the Morning Hatch Foundation fundraiser. Their raffle prizes of the “Who Did What?!” game and three Trout Series #1 prints, respectively, helped raise funds for mental health services through recreational activities in our community. The event was sold out and the help from our fellow Execs was much appreciated. Thank you. (JANET BURNS)

  19. Karen Heun, thank you for my pens! (JP WEST)

  20. Thank you Cultivate House Detailing for fixing my gutter problem. (JP WEST)

  21. Thank you Jim and Coaltrain for wholesaling our cookies! (BROOKE ORIST)

  22. Thanks Mike at Windshields Express for the magnetic sign work! (SPENCER SWANN)

  23. Thanks Jen for the ‘Primonis’ & ‘Gold-Belly’ tips! (SPENCER SWANN)

  24. Tony at TECC-thanks for setting up the meeting for Thursday. (MARK COPELIN)

  25. Greg Swartz, thanks for your advice and help on my electrical needs in my greenhouse. (KEVIN HOLT)


  1. I will be having back surgery on March 25th at Memorial North, so I will miss 4-6 weeks of meetings. (WAYNE HEILMAN)

  2. I had a family loss last month. If you have someone that you love, hold them close. (MIKE EDDE)

  3. We will miss you Jessy! Good luck on your next chapter. (BRENDA SPEER)

  4. Jesse Carillo, I’m looking forward to our brainstorming session. (NANCY KELLY)

  5. Today is my last day! Thank you all for the great conversations, biz news help and friendships since I’ve been a part of Execs! I’m not moving so I’m still around town. You can reach me at jessannan@gmail.com. (JESSY VAN DYNE)

  6. Happy Birthday Mike. (TERRENCE VANSANT)

  7. Michael Krueger, the window fix happened by your referral team. It is a good fix. (MARK COPELIN)

  8. Jesse, thanks for your continued efforts to film the timelapse of the micro green from start to harvest. I am looking forward to seeing the final production. (KEVIN HOLT)


  1. Since I am no longer able to play golf, I have a nice set of clubs and accessories that I need to sell! I went to ‘Play it Again Sports’ store and they want to give you virtually nothing for your used clubs and are very selective in what they will take so I thought I would make personal contact with friends. If you, or you have friends who are in the market for a good set of golf clubs that won’t cost you an arm and a leg to buy, please contact me at jamessmith_2ndopinioninc@msn.com or 719-310-8483. The set consists of a very nice stand bag (Golfmate with double shoulder straps, cover and many pockets), two drivers (1 Callaway and 1 TaylorMade), 1 set of irons, 3 extra wedges, 1 wood (not sure if #3 or #5 as I lost the other) and 2 putters. Accessories consist of a pair of 9D white golf shoes with carrying bag, a golf umbrella, dozens of balls and tees, nice club covers, and a few more miscellaneous items. I will have them in my car for the next couple of weeks for anyone to see! (JIM SMITH)


  1. None


  1. Great and fun presentation, Brooke. (EDDIE HURT)

  2. Great presentation. VERY TASTY. (ROBERT MARTIN)

  3. Thank you Sasquatch for the treats. (MIKE GARROW)

  4. Thank you Sasquatch. Amazing cookies and presentation. (CAROLINE FLEMING)

  5. Thanks to Brooke for the cookies. Great program. (LARRY BLEVINS)

  6. Thank you for the cookie and presentation Brooke! (BRENDA SPEER)

  7. Thanks Brooke for a great and fun program. (JIM SMITH)

  8. Brooke, super fun presentation and great cookies! (NANCY KELLY)

  9. FYI Sasquatch sells cookies at FIZZ and Coaltrain. (JP WEST)

  10. Great presentation, Brooke. Thanks for the cookies. (TARA IRONS)

  11. Thank you to Brooke for the lovely cookies! (KIM GRIFFIS)

  12. Brooke, thanks for the fabulous cookies! (CANDY VANDENBERG)

  13. Great presentation Brooke. (TERRENCE VANSANT)

  14. Thanks Brooke. Enjoyed your cookie show. I love your store. Lots of swag! (SPENCER SWANN)

  15. Excellent program. Excellent cookies! Thanks, Brooke! (KODY MILLER)

  16. Congratulations to Sasquatch Cookies and all their success! (TONY ELLIS)