Tricia Muehlbauer, Executive Director
PO Box 7585 Colorado Springs, CO 80933-7585
Telephone: 719-291-5545; Fax: 719-213-2693
The information herein is privileged and is furnished by and for the members of the Colorado Springs Executives
Association. Any claim of damage resulting from others having access hereto is the sole responsibility of the
members or firm permitting such and is not the responsibility of the Association. Information in the newsletter has
been obtained and listed with care from sources deemed reliable, but its correctness is not guaranteed.
Current Board of Directors:Tara Irons-President; Kim Griffis-Past President; Larry Blevins-Vice President; Jenn Kolk-Secretary; JP West-Treasurer; Angie Peters; Jim Little; Karen Heun; Kody Miller
To download the newsletter, click here.
April 5, 2023
Tara Irons, PhilanthroCorp
Come next week to learn about PhilanthroCorp. PhilanthroCorp has helped thousands of families create wills and trusts that meet their goals, save taxes and support ministries they care about.
Greeter-to be determined
March 23, 2023
Kim Griffis, Visit COS with guest presenter, Jonathan Toman, Program Director, Cultural Promotion & Tourism
Jonathan Toman builds local and tourist arts audiences, and the Pikes Peak region’s visibility as an arts destination, using the marketing, communications, and storytelling platforms of the Cultural Office and its partnerships. To that end, he spearheads the Cultural Office’s flagship cultural promotion & tourism program, Peak Radar – the local creative sector’s most powerful promotional tool. An experienced storyteller and program manager (and Pikes Peak region native), Jonathan enjoys amplifying and illustrating the value of the region’s arts sector…and saying all puns that occur to him.
Thank you, Kim, for bringing him today to present to us.
GUESTS: Kim Griffis- Angela Seals and Jonathan Toman from the Cultural Office of the Pikes Peak Region Tammy Fogall-Dana Rocha, Greccio Housing Bill Huffor-Olivia Daniel |
BIRTHDAYS: March 31-Kevin Holt, Holt Auction DOORPRIZE: Congrats to Jonmarc Radspinner who won a $25 gift certificate to any Exec’s business, from Visit COS. |
Notes from your executive director:
At this month’s board of directors meeting, the board:
- Opened the category of ‘Affordable Housing’ for Dana Rocha, Greccio Housing. Dana is sponsored by Tammy Fogall, the Gazette.
Dana’s application will be voted on at the April 12 board meeting.
I am in need of presenters in April and May. Please step to the plate if you have not presented in a long while. :) Many of our newer members do not know what your company does or who you are until you present! Thank you.
- None
BUSINESS INFORMATION (information pertaining to members’ businesses):
- Do you know anyone looking to buy or refinance? Call me! 819-494-9718. (KODY MILLER)
- We’ve done some reorganizing at Coaltrain lately because we needed more room for all the great bourbons we’ve been adding. Come in and check out our new bourbon wall. (JIM LITTLE)
- Would you like to be a new customer? Call to make an appointment. We can update your company restrooms for little to no cost. 719-502-6075. These are new customers of ours: McClelland School in Pueblo, South Colorado Springs Nissan, Victory Outreach Church. (DAVID HORWITZ)
- None
- The Ute Pass Kiwanis will have their annual “Crabby Tax Night” crab dinner on April 15th at The Cultural Center in Woodland Park. Come celebrate tax day with all you can eat snow crabs and fixins. (SPENCER SWANN)
- Choirs from First United Methodist Church, First Lutheran Church and St. Michael’s Episcopal Church will perform John Rutter’s “Gift of Life” at 2pm April 22 at First United Methodist Church, 420 N. Nevada Ave, to celebrate Earth Day. Tickets are $15: (WAYNE HEILMAN)
- April 1st-Masked Til Midnight at The Doubletree. Masquerade Gala and Casino Night featuring The Sofakillers! Put on by Angels Against Alzheimers. Great event. Great cause. (CANDY VANDENBERG)
- Job’s Daughters Bethel #31 is holding their fundraising breakfast Saturday, April 1 from 7:30-10:00am. $10 all you can eat eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, pancakes, coffee and orange juice. (CHRIS PELOSO)
DIRECT LEADS (when you yourself do business w/ a member or someone you referred to a member does business with that member) AND REFERRALS:
- Direct lead to Colorado Running Company. (JONMARC RADSPINNER)
- Direct lead to Mark Rohn. (BOB GILLIS)
- Direct lead to Brightway Insurance. My daughter is happy. (BOB GILLIS)
- Direct lead to Coaltrain, Jim and Peggy! (SPENCER SWANN)
- Direct lead to Karen at Advanced Impressions. (ANGIE PETERS)
- Direct lead to Coaltrain. (CATHY D’AGOSTINO)
- Direct lead to Mark Rohn. (CATHY D’AGOSTINO)
- Direct lead to Adam and Son Auto Repair. (CATHY D’AGOSTINO)
- Direct lead to Ent Credit Union. (LARRY BLEVINS)
- Direct lead to Furry Friends. Love your store! (DIANE DOYLE)
- Direct lead to Joe Wilson. My wife Gerry had an appt Tues. (JIM SMITH)
- Direct lead to The Gazette, renewal. (EDDIE HURT)
- Direct lead to Wendy’s. Thanks for keeping your spicy chicken so good! (EDDIE HURT)
- Direct lead to Ent. (EDDIE HURT)
- Direct lead to Advanced Impressions. (CAROLINE FLEMING)
- Direct lead to Adam and Son. (CAROLINE FLEMING)
- Direct lead to Coaltrain. (DAN OSINSKI)
- Direct lead to Karen Heun. (DIANA THATE)
- Direct lead to Chris Peloso. (DIANA THATE)
- Direct lead to JP West. (BEN WOJCHIK)
- Direct lead to Kevin Holt, x2. (TREVOR DIERDORFF)
- Direct lead to Karen Heun. (TREVOR DIERDORFF)
- Direct lead to Jim Little. (TREVOR DIERDORFF)
- Direct lead to Jenn at Brightway Insurance. (KODY MILLER)
- Direct lead to KCME, ongoing support with the Coaltrain does Coltrane hour. (JIM LITTLE)
- Direct lead to Mark Rohn. (MIKE ESCHLER)
- Direct lead to Brightway! Thank you for your help. (TRICIA MUEHLBAUER)
- Direct lead once again to Furry Friends. (TRICIA MUEHLBAUER)
- None
- None
- Thanks David Horwitz! (SPENCER SWANN)
- Thank you Eddie Hurt. (DAN OSINSKI)
- Thank you to JP West and Brandon Kolk. (MIKE ESCHLER)
- Thanks for the quick delivery of toner cartridges Kristine and JetEx. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
- Great to work with Kevin Holt to create plant stake labels. (CHRIS PELOSO)
- Happy Birthday Kevin. (ANGIE PETERS)
- I have four tickets for sale to Anastasia at the Pikes Peak Center. Call me if you are interested or know someone who might be. 719-499-1518. (MIKE EDDE)
- Congrats Karen on your new grandson. How exciting! (DIANE DOYLE)
- Glad to see our car club is going to put on a custom car show to raise money for Adam and Son’s auto social impact program. (DOUG BERWICK)
- Loved having Jonathan here at Execs. Great presentation! (JEFF LAPSANSKY)
- Battle Mountain Brewing is moving from 1007 S. Tejon St. to Castle Rock on Saturday. (WAYNE HEILMAN)
- QuickTrip could be coming to Colorado Springs at the Polo Center-Northwest Academy and Palmer Park Blvd. (JESSY VAN DYNE)
- Laura B’s Bar on 19th St has new owners and is remodeling now! (SPENCER SWANN)
- A new restaurant has opened in Woodland Park. The name is Red Diamond and it is located in the old bakery close to the theater. The food is really good. (KEVIN HOLT)
- Awesome, very informative program. Thank you. (DIANE DOYLE)
- Wonderful presentation!! (KODY MILLER)
- Great presentation COPPeR. Thanks for inviting them, Kim. (CANDY VANDENBERG)
- Great program today. (CHRIS PELOSO)
- Great presentation today. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
- Love the arts! Thank you for the great information. (DEBORA IRELAND YOUNG)