
Retired Primary Membership may be granted by the Board of Directors to a former Primary Member. They shall pay no admission fee but shall pay dues and shall not be entitled to vote but shall be entitled to all other privileges of a Primary Member.
If someone at your former company desires to become a participating member of Execs, please provide the person’s name and number because we will need to obtain an application from that person. Note: It is extremely important to CSEA that when a former member is granted Retired membership, we replace the former membership with a new membership, whether that is from the same company or a company that you, as the retired member, see fit for CSEA. You will help us in that process by making the recommendation.
Briefly describe what your company does. Please provide as much pertinent information as possible, as this will be used to help determine the business classification.
Please provide any additional information you feel would be helpful to the Board in consideration of this application.

Communication Information

Type your name here to sign your application