Execs newsletter October 23, 2024

Tricia Muehlbauer, Executive Director

 PO Box 7585 Colorado Springs, CO 80933-7585
Telephone: 719-291-5545; Fax: 719-213-2693
Email: director@csea.biz
Website: www.csea.biz

The information herein is privileged and is furnished by and for the members of the Colorado Springs Executives
Association. Any claim of damage resulting from others having access hereto is the sole responsibility of the
members or firm permitting such and is not the responsibility of the Association. Information in the newsletter has
been obtained and listed with care from sources deemed reliable, but its correctness is not guaranteed.

Current Board of Directors:-Jenn Kolk, President; Tara Irons-Past President; Chris Waldron-Vice President; Stephanie Horton-Secretary; Diana Thate Treasurer; Todd Matia; Larry Blevins; Karen Heun; Kody Miller


To download the newsletter, click here.



October 30, 2024
Pedro Laumbach, Sr. Maintenance Tech
Graffiti / Neighborhood Services



In the last two years the Neighborhood Service Graffiti Department has removed over 27,000 graffiti tags throughout the city. Their goal is to help properties quickly get back to code compliance, free of charge.  With a limited budget for graffiti removal, they rely on donated paint for abatements. Removal services include three different options: chemical cleaning, sand blasting and painting.  With every tag that’s removed, a case is created to document each tag in full transparency. All tags are tracked in an effort to help police identify, capture, and hold the vandals accountable.
Last year four warrants and arrests were made related to graffiti.  A small percentage of the tags removed are gang related and they are addressed as quickly as possible.  In 2020 gang tags increased dramatically but have since died down.  Come next week to learn more about the Neighborhood Service Graffiti Department in Colorado Springs.


October 23, 2024
Thank you, members of CSEA, for attending today’s annual meeting regarding the change of Article IV, Section II of our bylaws.  The proposed change, where members and those in their companies are allowed to be in other networking/leads groups, passed with overwhelming approval.  The bylaw will now read:  Any person of good character, successful and ethical business reputation, and stable financial condition, actually engaged in business in Colorado Springs or vicinity, is eligible to Primary Membership.


  GUESTS: None

October 23-Jim Little, Coaltrain
October 27-Eric Carlson, Overhead Door
October 28-Tricia Muehlbauer, Executive Director

DOORPRIZE:  Congrats to Amanda Quesada
and Mat LaFleur who each won an Execs gift certificate today!
Notes from your executive director:
Please note, we will not meet the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.


  1. Cy’s Drive-In, on 1833 West Uintah Street, is closing by early November. (WAYNE HEILMAN)

BUSINESS INFORMATION (information pertaining to members’ businesses):

  1. CSCS is pleased to announce we are the new supplier to the Colorado Springs Event Center (formerly Rustic Hills Event Center). They have recently doubled their event space. What can we do for your business space? Fall and winter is upon us. Rain and snow will soon be here. It’s ‘mat season’! Look at your front door entry mats. Remember your front door is your first impression area. Call me to upgrade your mats. Stop dirt at the door. Improve your building’s appearance. We can do any logo on mats also. (DAVID HORWITZ)
  2. Join me tomorrow evening 4-6pm at Pizzeria Rustica for happy hour! Drinks and apps provided. See invite at end of newsletter.  (MICHAEL GARNER)
  3. Have you tried Wendy’s Krabby Patty Burger? Or the yummy pineapple frosty? (DIANE DOYLE)
  4. Call me for a FREE 1-hour marketing review of your company. 719-200-3634. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)


  1. None


  1. None

DIRECT LEADS (when you yourself do business w/ a member or someone you referred to a member does business with that member…closed business because of your membership in Execs!) AND REFERRALS:

  1. Direct lead to Mark Peniston. I sent a business owner your way! (AMANDA QUESADA)
  2. Direct lead to Todd Matia. (JONMARC RADSPINNER)
  3. Direct lead to Arrow Moving and Storage. (EDDIE HURT) 
  4. Direct lead to Cultivate. (EDDIE HURT)
  5. Direct lead to Climate Design. (EDDIE HURT)
  6. Direct lead to Ent Credit Union, ongoing. (WAYNE HEILMAN)
  7. Direct lead to American Printing. (TARA IRONS)
  8. Direct lead to Overhead Door. (DIANE INGOLIA)
  9. Direct lead to Karen Heun at Advanced Impressions for logo wear. (BRENDA SPEER)
  10. Direct lead to Mark Peniston. (CARISSA SMITH)
  11. Direct lead to Advanced Impressions. (CAROLINE FLEMING)
  12. Direct lead to Matt at Arrow Moving. Great job! (JOE WILSON)
  13. Direct lead to ADD STAFF. (DIANE DOYLE)
  14. Direct lead to Underline, ongoing. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  15. Direct lead to Waste Management. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  16. Direct lead to Ent. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  17. Direct lead to The Gazette. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  18. Direct lead to Payroll City. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  19. Direct lead to WestCo. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  20. Direct lead to Diane Doyle, Wendy’s of COS. (SEBASTIAN ERTELT)
  21. Direct lead to Diana Thate. (MARK PENISTON)
  22. Direct lead. KCME radio ads needed Sasquatch Cookies. (DOUG LESKEE)
  23. Direct lead to Dr. Joe. I’ll get on your schedule to fix my tooth. (JP WEST)
  24. Direct lead to Chris Peloso “Radio Automotive-Kales”. (SPENCER SWANN)


  1. None


  1. None


  1. Thanks to Spencer Swann for the signs for the pumpkin giveaway. (KEVIN HOLT)
  2. Thank you to Spencer for our truck decals. (STEVE HAVARD)
  3. Thank you to Jenn for my life policy. (STEVE HAVARD)
  4. John Gatto, thanks for visiting Christy Sports with Marlee. I’m sure she’ll love her new ski boots. (MIKE LLOYD)
  5. Mark P, thanks again for taking great care of several of my clients. Appreciate your diligence! (TODD MATIA)
  6. Thank you to Micheal Garrow for inviting Execs to Kissing Camels Golf Course for a wonderful time…and thanks Todd for the eats. I expect to see many more carts on the course next time! (SEBASTIAN ERTELT)
  7. Thanks for the lead Diane Ingolia. (DOUG LESKEE)
  8. Thanks for thinking of us Angie Peters. (DOUG LESKEE)
  9. Thanks Kevin for the pumpkins for the crew!! (SPENCER SWANN)


  1. Happy Birthday Tricia :). (AMANDA QUESADA)
  2. Can anyone recommend an attorney who specializes in non-profits? (CANDY VANDENBERG)
  3. HBD, Tricia! (BRENDA SPEER)
  4. Happy Birthday Tricia. I appreciate all you do! (CARISSA SMITH)
  5. Happy Birthday Execs! (DIANE DOYLE)
  6. Had a great one-on-one with Caroline recently and was happy to learn more about her. (SEBASTIAN ERTELT)
  7. Larry, thank you for the referral! (JP WEST)
  8. Sheriff, I really like those new western hats. Saw them on the news. Looks great! (MARK COPELIN)
  9. Kevin Holt, I’m going to drive up to Cascade this weekend with my grandkids to see your yard and toys. (MARK COPELIN)
  10. Happy Birthday to Jim Little, Eric and Trish. (SPENCER SWANN)
  11. Congratulations! (SPENCER SWANN)


  1. It’s that time of year again! The Pikes Peak Kiwanis Club is pursuing sponsors for Thanksgiving baskets to be distributed to low income/needy families of our community neighbors at Greccio Housing. We were able to revise our baskets a little and the price is $40/basket this Thanksgiving! Please see flier at end of newsletter for information.  The link is buried in the attached flier so you can easily click on it to donate.  Update:  With the help of several CSEA members, we have reached 36% of our goal of 85 baskets! The campaign has a little less than 4 weeks to completion, so we still have a ways to go to reach our goal. Your help is greatly appreciated as we serve less fortunate families/neighbors of Greccio Housing! (JIM SMITH)
  2. Please stop by the Haunted Forest for your pumpkins. Walmart on North Academy did a great donation, 100 pumpkins, for all the kids. (KEVIN HOLT)


  1. Whataburger plans to open in Falcon in 2026. (WAYNE HEILMAN)


  1. Good discussion on by-laws. (JOE WILSON)
  2. Tricia, great meeting. Thanks! (CHRIS WALDRON)



Tricia Muehlbauer, Executive Director

 PO Box 7585 Colorado Springs, CO 80933-7585
Telephone: 719-291-5545; Fax: 719-213-2693
Email: director@csea.biz
Website: www.csea.biz

The information herein is privileged and is furnished by and for the members of the Colorado Springs Executives
Association. Any claim of damage resulting from others having access hereto is the sole responsibility of the
members or firm permitting such and is not the responsibility of the Association. Information in the newsletter has
been obtained and listed with care from sources deemed reliable, but its correctness is not guaranteed.

Current Board of Directors:-Jenn Kolk, President; Tara Irons-Past President; Chris Waldron-Vice President; Stephanie Horton-Secretary; Diana Thate Treasurer; Todd Matia; Larry Blevins; Karen Heun; Kody Miller


To download the newsletter, click here.



October 30, 2024
Pedro Laumbach, Sr. Maintenance Tech
Graffiti / Neighborhood Services



In the last two years the Neighborhood Service Graffiti Department has removed over 27,000 graffiti tags throughout the city. Their goal is to help properties quickly get back to code compliance, free of charge.  With a limited budget for graffiti removal, they rely on donated paint for abatements. Removal services include three different options: chemical cleaning, sand blasting and painting.  With every tag that’s removed, a case is created to document each tag in full transparency. All tags are tracked in an effort to help police identify, capture, and hold the vandals accountable.
Last year four warrants and arrests were made related to graffiti.  A small percentage of the tags removed are gang related and they are addressed as quickly as possible.  In 2020 gang tags increased dramatically but have since died down.  Come next week to learn more about the Neighborhood Service Graffiti Department in Colorado Springs.


October 23, 2024
Thank you, members of CSEA, for attending today’s annual meeting regarding the change of Article IV, Section II of our bylaws.  The proposed change, where members and those in their companies are allowed to be in other networking/leads groups, passed with overwhelming approval.  The bylaw will now read:  Any person of good character, successful and ethical business reputation, and stable financial condition, actually engaged in business in Colorado Springs or vicinity, is eligible to Primary Membership.


  GUESTS: None

October 23-Jim Little, Coaltrain
October 27-Eric Carlson, Overhead Door
October 28-Tricia Muehlbauer, Executive Director

DOORPRIZE:  Congrats to Amanda Quesada
and Mat LaFleur who each won an Execs gift certificate today!
Notes from your executive director:
Please note, we will not meet the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.


  1. Cy’s Drive-In, on 1833 West Uintah Street, is closing by early November. (WAYNE HEILMAN)

BUSINESS INFORMATION (information pertaining to members’ businesses):

  1. CSCS is pleased to announce we are the new supplier to the Colorado Springs Event Center (formerly Rustic Hills Event Center). They have recently doubled their event space. What can we do for your business space? Fall and winter is upon us. Rain and snow will soon be here. It’s ‘mat season’! Look at your front door entry mats. Remember your front door is your first impression area. Call me to upgrade your mats. Stop dirt at the door. Improve your building’s appearance. We can do any logo on mats also. (DAVID HORWITZ)
  2. Join me tomorrow evening 4-6pm at Pizzeria Rustica for happy hour! Drinks and apps provided. See invite at end of newsletter.  (MICHAEL GARNER)
  3. Have you tried Wendy’s Krabby Patty Burger? Or the yummy pineapple frosty? (DIANE DOYLE)
  4. Call me for a FREE 1-hour marketing review of your company. 719-200-3634. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)


  1. None


  1. None

DIRECT LEADS (when you yourself do business w/ a member or someone you referred to a member does business with that member…closed business because of your membership in Execs!) AND REFERRALS:

  1. Direct lead to Mark Peniston. I sent a business owner your way! (AMANDA QUESADA)
  2. Direct lead to Todd Matia. (JONMARC RADSPINNER)
  3. Direct lead to Arrow Moving and Storage. (EDDIE HURT) 
  4. Direct lead to Cultivate. (EDDIE HURT)
  5. Direct lead to Climate Design. (EDDIE HURT)
  6. Direct lead to Ent Credit Union, ongoing. (WAYNE HEILMAN)
  7. Direct lead to American Printing. (TARA IRONS)
  8. Direct lead to Overhead Door. (DIANE INGOLIA)
  9. Direct lead to Karen Heun at Advanced Impressions for logo wear. (BRENDA SPEER)
  10. Direct lead to Mark Peniston. (CARISSA SMITH)
  11. Direct lead to Advanced Impressions. (CAROLINE FLEMING)
  12. Direct lead to Matt at Arrow Moving. Great job! (JOE WILSON)
  13. Direct lead to ADD STAFF. (DIANE DOYLE)
  14. Direct lead to Underline, ongoing. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  15. Direct lead to Waste Management. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  16. Direct lead to Ent. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  17. Direct lead to The Gazette. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  18. Direct lead to Payroll City. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  19. Direct lead to WestCo. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  20. Direct lead to Diane Doyle, Wendy’s of COS. (SEBASTIAN ERTELT)
  21. Direct lead to Diana Thate. (MARK PENISTON)
  22. Direct lead. KCME radio ads needed Sasquatch Cookies. (DOUG LESKEE)
  23. Direct lead to Dr. Joe. I’ll get on your schedule to fix my tooth. (JP WEST)
  24. Direct lead to Chris Peloso “Radio Automotive-Kales”. (SPENCER SWANN)


  1. None


  1. None


  1. Thanks to Spencer Swann for the signs for the pumpkin giveaway. (KEVIN HOLT)
  2. Thank you to Spencer for our truck decals. (STEVE HAVARD)
  3. Thank you to Jenn for my life policy. (STEVE HAVARD)
  4. John Gatto, thanks for visiting Christy Sports with Marlee. I’m sure she’ll love her new ski boots. (MIKE LLOYD)
  5. Mark P, thanks again for taking great care of several of my clients. Appreciate your diligence! (TODD MATIA)
  6. Thank you to Micheal Garrow for inviting Execs to Kissing Camels Golf Course for a wonderful time…and thanks Todd for the eats. I expect to see many more carts on the course next time! (SEBASTIAN ERTELT)
  7. Thanks for the lead Diane Ingolia. (DOUG LESKEE)
  8. Thanks for thinking of us Angie Peters. (DOUG LESKEE)
  9. Thanks Kevin for the pumpkins for the crew!! (SPENCER SWANN)


  1. Happy Birthday Tricia :). (AMANDA QUESADA)
  2. Can anyone recommend an attorney who specializes in non-profits? (CANDY VANDENBERG)
  3. HBD, Tricia! (BRENDA SPEER)
  4. Happy Birthday Tricia. I appreciate all you do! (CARISSA SMITH)
  5. Happy Birthday Execs! (DIANE DOYLE)
  6. Had a great one-on-one with Caroline recently and was happy to learn more about her. (SEBASTIAN ERTELT)
  7. Larry, thank you for the referral! (JP WEST)
  8. Sheriff, I really like those new western hats. Saw them on the news. Looks great! (MARK COPELIN)
  9. Kevin Holt, I’m going to drive up to Cascade this weekend with my grandkids to see your yard and toys. (MARK COPELIN)
  10. Happy Birthday to Jim Little, Eric and Trish. (SPENCER SWANN)
  11. Congratulations! (SPENCER SWANN)


  1. It’s that time of year again! The Pikes Peak Kiwanis Club is pursuing sponsors for Thanksgiving baskets to be distributed to low income/needy families of our community neighbors at Greccio Housing. We were able to revise our baskets a little and the price is $40/basket this Thanksgiving! Please see flier at end of newsletter for information.  The link is buried in the attached flier so you can easily click on it to donate.  Update:  With the help of several CSEA members, we have reached 36% of our goal of 85 baskets! The campaign has a little less than 4 weeks to completion, so we still have a ways to go to reach our goal. Your help is greatly appreciated as we serve less fortunate families/neighbors of Greccio Housing! (JIM SMITH)
  2. Please stop by the Haunted Forest for your pumpkins. Walmart on North Academy did a great donation, 100 pumpkins, for all the kids. (KEVIN HOLT)


  1. Whataburger plans to open in Falcon in 2026. (WAYNE HEILMAN)


  1. Good discussion on by-laws. (JOE WILSON)
  2. Tricia, great meeting. Thanks! (CHRIS WALDRON)



Tricia Muehlbauer, Executive Director

 PO Box 7585 Colorado Springs, CO 80933-7585
Telephone: 719-291-5545; Fax: 719-213-2693
Email: director@csea.biz
Website: www.csea.biz

The information herein is privileged and is furnished by and for the members of the Colorado Springs Executives
Association. Any claim of damage resulting from others having access hereto is the sole responsibility of the
members or firm permitting such and is not the responsibility of the Association. Information in the newsletter has
been obtained and listed with care from sources deemed reliable, but its correctness is not guaranteed.

Current Board of Directors:-Jenn Kolk, President; Tara Irons-Past President; Chris Waldron-Vice President; Stephanie Horton-Secretary; Diana Thate Treasurer; Todd Matia; Larry Blevins; Karen Heun; Kody Miller


To download the newsletter, click here.



October 30, 2024
Pedro Laumbach, Sr. Maintenance Tech
Graffiti / Neighborhood Services



In the last two years the Neighborhood Service Graffiti Department has removed over 27,000 graffiti tags throughout the city. Their goal is to help properties quickly get back to code compliance, free of charge.  With a limited budget for graffiti removal, they rely on donated paint for abatements. Removal services include three different options: chemical cleaning, sand blasting and painting.  With every tag that’s removed, a case is created to document each tag in full transparency. All tags are tracked in an effort to help police identify, capture, and hold the vandals accountable.
Last year four warrants and arrests were made related to graffiti.  A small percentage of the tags removed are gang related and they are addressed as quickly as possible.  In 2020 gang tags increased dramatically but have since died down.  Come next week to learn more about the Neighborhood Service Graffiti Department in Colorado Springs.


October 23, 2024
Thank you, members of CSEA, for attending today’s annual meeting regarding the change of Article IV, Section II of our bylaws.  The proposed change, where members and those in their companies are allowed to be in other networking/leads groups, passed with overwhelming approval.  The bylaw will now read:  Any person of good character, successful and ethical business reputation, and stable financial condition, actually engaged in business in Colorado Springs or vicinity, is eligible to Primary Membership.


  GUESTS: None

October 23-Jim Little, Coaltrain
October 27-Eric Carlson, Overhead Door
October 28-Tricia Muehlbauer, Executive Director

DOORPRIZE:  Congrats to Amanda Quesada
and Mat LaFleur who each won an Execs gift certificate today!
Notes from your executive director:
Please note, we will not meet the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.


  1. Cy’s Drive-In, on 1833 West Uintah Street, is closing by early November. (WAYNE HEILMAN)

BUSINESS INFORMATION (information pertaining to members’ businesses):

  1. CSCS is pleased to announce we are the new supplier to the Colorado Springs Event Center (formerly Rustic Hills Event Center). They have recently doubled their event space. What can we do for your business space? Fall and winter is upon us. Rain and snow will soon be here. It’s ‘mat season’! Look at your front door entry mats. Remember your front door is your first impression area. Call me to upgrade your mats. Stop dirt at the door. Improve your building’s appearance. We can do any logo on mats also. (DAVID HORWITZ)
  2. Join me tomorrow evening 4-6pm at Pizzeria Rustica for happy hour! Drinks and apps provided. See invite at end of newsletter.  (MICHAEL GARNER)
  3. Have you tried Wendy’s Krabby Patty Burger? Or the yummy pineapple frosty? (DIANE DOYLE)
  4. Call me for a FREE 1-hour marketing review of your company. 719-200-3634. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)


  1. None


  1. None

DIRECT LEADS (when you yourself do business w/ a member or someone you referred to a member does business with that member…closed business because of your membership in Execs!) AND REFERRALS:

  1. Direct lead to Mark Peniston. I sent a business owner your way! (AMANDA QUESADA)
  2. Direct lead to Todd Matia. (JONMARC RADSPINNER)
  3. Direct lead to Arrow Moving and Storage. (EDDIE HURT) 
  4. Direct lead to Cultivate. (EDDIE HURT)
  5. Direct lead to Climate Design. (EDDIE HURT)
  6. Direct lead to Ent Credit Union, ongoing. (WAYNE HEILMAN)
  7. Direct lead to American Printing. (TARA IRONS)
  8. Direct lead to Overhead Door. (DIANE INGOLIA)
  9. Direct lead to Karen Heun at Advanced Impressions for logo wear. (BRENDA SPEER)
  10. Direct lead to Mark Peniston. (CARISSA SMITH)
  11. Direct lead to Advanced Impressions. (CAROLINE FLEMING)
  12. Direct lead to Matt at Arrow Moving. Great job! (JOE WILSON)
  13. Direct lead to ADD STAFF. (DIANE DOYLE)
  14. Direct lead to Underline, ongoing. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  15. Direct lead to Waste Management. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  16. Direct lead to Ent. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  17. Direct lead to The Gazette. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  18. Direct lead to Payroll City. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  19. Direct lead to WestCo. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  20. Direct lead to Diane Doyle, Wendy’s of COS. (SEBASTIAN ERTELT)
  21. Direct lead to Diana Thate. (MARK PENISTON)
  22. Direct lead. KCME radio ads needed Sasquatch Cookies. (DOUG LESKEE)
  23. Direct lead to Dr. Joe. I’ll get on your schedule to fix my tooth. (JP WEST)
  24. Direct lead to Chris Peloso “Radio Automotive-Kales”. (SPENCER SWANN)


  1. None


  1. None


  1. Thanks to Spencer Swann for the signs for the pumpkin giveaway. (KEVIN HOLT)
  2. Thank you to Spencer for our truck decals. (STEVE HAVARD)
  3. Thank you to Jenn for my life policy. (STEVE HAVARD)
  4. John Gatto, thanks for visiting Christy Sports with Marlee. I’m sure she’ll love her new ski boots. (MIKE LLOYD)
  5. Mark P, thanks again for taking great care of several of my clients. Appreciate your diligence! (TODD MATIA)
  6. Thank you to Micheal Garrow for inviting Execs to Kissing Camels Golf Course for a wonderful time…and thanks Todd for the eats. I expect to see many more carts on the course next time! (SEBASTIAN ERTELT)
  7. Thanks for the lead Diane Ingolia. (DOUG LESKEE)
  8. Thanks for thinking of us Angie Peters. (DOUG LESKEE)
  9. Thanks Kevin for the pumpkins for the crew!! (SPENCER SWANN)


  1. Happy Birthday Tricia :). (AMANDA QUESADA)
  2. Can anyone recommend an attorney who specializes in non-profits? (CANDY VANDENBERG)
  3. HBD, Tricia! (BRENDA SPEER)
  4. Happy Birthday Tricia. I appreciate all you do! (CARISSA SMITH)
  5. Happy Birthday Execs! (DIANE DOYLE)
  6. Had a great one-on-one with Caroline recently and was happy to learn more about her. (SEBASTIAN ERTELT)
  7. Larry, thank you for the referral! (JP WEST)
  8. Sheriff, I really like those new western hats. Saw them on the news. Looks great! (MARK COPELIN)
  9. Kevin Holt, I’m going to drive up to Cascade this weekend with my grandkids to see your yard and toys. (MARK COPELIN)
  10. Happy Birthday to Jim Little, Eric and Trish. (SPENCER SWANN)
  11. Congratulations! (SPENCER SWANN)


  1. It’s that time of year again! The Pikes Peak Kiwanis Club is pursuing sponsors for Thanksgiving baskets to be distributed to low income/needy families of our community neighbors at Greccio Housing. We were able to revise our baskets a little and the price is $40/basket this Thanksgiving! Please see flier at end of newsletter for information.  The link is buried in the attached flier so you can easily click on it to donate.  Update:  With the help of several CSEA members, we have reached 36% of our goal of 85 baskets! The campaign has a little less than 4 weeks to completion, so we still have a ways to go to reach our goal. Your help is greatly appreciated as we serve less fortunate families/neighbors of Greccio Housing! (JIM SMITH)
  2. Please stop by the Haunted Forest for your pumpkins. Walmart on North Academy did a great donation, 100 pumpkins, for all the kids. (KEVIN HOLT)


  1. Whataburger plans to open in Falcon in 2026. (WAYNE HEILMAN)


  1. Good discussion on by-laws. (JOE WILSON)
  2. Tricia, great meeting. Thanks! (CHRIS WALDRON)