October 16, 2024 Execs Newsletter

Tricia Muehlbauer, Executive Director

 PO Box 7585 Colorado Springs, CO 80933-7585
Telephone: 719-291-5545; Fax: 719-213-2693
Email: director@csea.biz
Website: www.csea.biz

The information herein is privileged and is furnished by and for the members of the Colorado Springs Executives
Association. Any claim of damage resulting from others having access hereto is the sole responsibility of the
members or firm permitting such and is not the responsibility of the Association. Information in the newsletter has
been obtained and listed with care from sources deemed reliable, but its correctness is not guaranteed.

Current Board of Directors:John Gatto (President); Chris Waldron (Past President); Kevin Holt (Vice President); Carissa Smith (Secretary); Mark Peniston (Treasurer); Diane Ingolia; Michael Garrow; Jesse Carillo and Brooke McKenzie

To download the newsletter, click here.

October 23, 2024

Next week is our members only meeting where we will be voting on a bylaw change.

Please do not bring guests. 

Greeter:  Who would love to greet for us?!  Please let me know.  Thanks.

October 16, 2024

Thank you to Kevin Holt, Ute Pass Gardens, for today’s presentation on his microgreen business and also his Halloween passion!

See information in the newsletter on visiting his haunted forest!

Thank you too, to Jesse Carillo, Scoop Creative, for helping Kevin with his presentation and showing us some beautiful video work. Jesse is off to North Carolina to capture footage of hurricane disaster relief. 




Kevin Holt-Carla Wink, Multi Media Consultant

Mat LaFleur-Karie Wallace, owner of Arrow Moving & Storage

KC Spencer-Jeff Schnabel


October 18-Dan Adam, Adam & Son Auto Repair

October 19-Ron Genuario, Retired

October 20-Eddie Hurt, ERA Shields Real Estate

DOORPRIZE:  Kevin brought pumpkins for all who wanted one!


Notes from your executive director:

Execs will have this fiscal year’s annual meeting (members only) next Wednesday.  We will be voting on removing part of the verbiage in Article IV, Section two of our bylaws.  The board will explain why they are asking for a vote on this.  The meeting will be somewhat of a town hall format before votes are cast by Primary members.  Of course we love our Associate and Retired members and your input may help some Primary members, so come and participate. 


  1. CY’S Diner, next to Rick’s Garden Center on Uintah & 19th, is closing at the end of October.  (KEVIN HOLT)

BUSINESS INFORMATION (information pertaining to members’ businesses):

  1. Ready, set, snow.  The Christy Sports locals appreciation event begins this Friday.  Great deals on all ski & board gear.  (MIKE LLOYD)

  2. Wondering why mortgage rates went up a bit after the fed dropped the fed funds rate?  Call me!  719-494-9718.  (KODY MILLER)

  3. It may feel early but this is the time to start working on your company’s holiday printing:  greeting cards, calendars, event invitations.  We can print them all for you!  (CHRIS PELOSO)

  4. Your trusted roofer of voice, Weathercraft Co, here when you need expert roof repair & maintenance ensuring your building is protected year round.  (CAROLINE FLEMING)


  1. Amanda Quesada, please call me about a friend in need of family law help.  Cell:  719-424-0764.  (CHRIS PELOSO)


  1. The pumpkin give away will be this Saturday from noon to 4pm at our house in Cascade.  Call me @ 719-960-6829 for more details.  (KEVIN HOLT)

  2. There will be a Chamber Music Concert Sunday, October 20th at Temple Shalom, 1523 E. Monument from 3-5 pm.  Dr. Ben-Amots, music teacher, theory and composer professor at CC will be performing along with Susan Grace, a Grammy-nominated pianist and Steinway Artist at CC and Jeri Jorgansen on the Violin and a few other performers will participate too.  Cost is $30 a person and there is a wine and cheese reception to follow. Go to templeshalom.com to sign up.  You can also email me at dpgreenberg1@msn.com if you need help :). Great way to spend your Sunday afternoon!!!  (PAULETTE GREENBERG)

DIRECT LEADS (when you yourself do business w/ a member or someone you referred to a member does business with that member…closed business because of your membership in Execs!) AND REFERRALS:

  1. Direct lead to to Karen Heun.  Thanks for the help on the nametags!  (JON MARC RADSPINNER)

  2. Potential lead to all members…Woodmen Valley Chapel is buying First Christian Church at Platte and Cascade in downtown.  (DOUG LESKEE)

  3. Direct referral to Mark Peniston.  (TODD MATIA)

  4. Direct lead to Wendy’s.  (JON TAYLOR)

  5. Direct lead to Mat/Arrow Moving and Storage.  (EDDIE HURT)

  6. Direct lead to Chris Peloso “Steelhead Electric.”  (SPENCER SWANN)

  7. Direct lead to American Printing.  (TARA IRONS)

  8. Direct lead to Candy Vandenberg.  (JOE WILSON)

  9. Direct lead to Angie-Bruce Bettke was in to get glass window fixed.  (CHRIS WALDRON)

  10. Direct lead to TECC Painting and Coaltrain.  (ANGIE PETERS)

  11. Direct lead to Karen Heun.  (CARISSA SMITH)

  12. Direct lead to American Printing.  New order coming.  Thanks for the reminder about greeting/holiday cards.  (MICHAEL GARROW)

  13. Direct lead to Spencer Swann/Colorado Canyon Signs.  Thank you!  (KODY MILLER)

  14. Direct to Kevin Holt, Ute Pass Gardens.  Great presentation as well.  Love the use of microgreens.  (CAROLINE FLEMMING)

  15. Direct lead to Ash Burton, Nick & Liz Stark.  (KODY MILLER)

  16. Direct lead:  Scoop Creative and Adam & Son.  (DIANE INGOLIA)

  17. Direct lead to Carissa Smith for estate planning for the Avents.  (SALLY AVENT)


  1. None


  1. Brooke-congrats on the opening of Toodles Tea Room.  (TARA IRONS)   


  1. Thanks for repeat business, Joe Wilson.  (MAT LAFLEUR)

  2. Thanks for booking your move with us Bob Gillis!  (MAT LAFLEUR)

  3. Thanks to all of the Execs that have trusted Harvey Investment Management with your advanced wealth solutions!  We value your trust.  (TODD MATIA)

  4. Jonmarc-thank you for coming out.  Looking forward to the proposal for holiday lights.  (MIKE GARROW)

  5. Thanks Michael Garrow and Todd Matia for hosting Execs at Kissing Camels Golf Course last week!  (DOUG LESKEE)

  6. Thank you Doug from TECC Painting for your donation to Starz & Strides.  (SPENCER SWANN)

  7. Thanks for your hard work Brett from the Gazette.  (DOUG LESKEE)

  8. Thanks Kody at CCM for the interior signage.  (SPENCER SWANN)

  9. Thank you, Michael Garrow, for the opportunity to bid on Garden of the Gods Club and Resort holiday light for 2025!  (JONMARC RADSPINNER)

  10. Thanks Kevin for the show and the guests!  (SPENCER SWANN)

  11. Thank yous to Doug with TECC Painting on such quick service! And to Adam & Son for such thorough care of our Yukon.  (DIANE INGOLIA)


  1. Happy birthday Dan, Ron and Eddie.  (TERRENCE VAN SANT)

  2. Kevin, thanks for the greeting this morning!  (CANDY VANDENBERG)

  3. Trevor, hope your wife is doing well.  Continued prayers going your way.  (TODD MATIA)

  4. Had a blast with all of those who came to golf at Kissing Camels!  Thanks, Michael!  (TODD MATIA)

  5. Happy birthday Eddie & all!  (SPENCER SWANN)

  6. Cascade Haunted Forest Drive Through is located at 8048 U.S. Highway 24 in Cascade, CO. Zip code is 80809.  Directions: Take U.S. Highway 24 west towards Woodland Park, CO. Cascade is the first town that you come to after passing Manitou Springs, CO. It is 5 miles once you start up the pass.  When arriving in Cascade, turn right at the light and then left to the first street. This is Topeka Avenue.  Turn right and the entrance will be the first driveway on your right.  You may park on the street and walk in or drive through and exit at the end of the driveway.  Hours: Most people will be going through on Halloween, after the sun has set.  Call me at 719-960-6829 and let me know if you would like to come through earlier in the week.  This way I know you are coming and I can turn on the creatures.  (KEVIN HOLT)

  7. Greg Swartz medical update as of 10/7: It’s a busy week with doctor visits and PT sessions.  Leg / Ankle: It’s official. Today, I can start putting weight on the foot. Yay!  It’s only a few pounds… but I’ll take it!  Shoulder: Range of motion is 120 degrees upward and 110 degrees outward.  The glenoid is still severely fractured but making progress.  I  can now move up to 5 lbs! No more sling! (Unless necessary.)  Hand: Slight progress. Still have severe nerve damage in index finger and thumb.  Everything else works well. Waiting on shoulder progress before another EMG test (electrical shock therapy). I want to say thank you to my lovely bride, Saint Kim, for everything the last 10 weeks! She is amazing!  (GREG SWARTZ)


  1. I have four tickets available for the Broncos-Carolina game on October 27, twenty five yard line, row eight.  If interested, call for details.  (JOHN GATTO)

  2. It’s that time of year again! The Pikes Peak Kiwanis Club is pursuing sponsors for Thanksgiving baskets to be distributed to low income/needy families of our community neighbors at Greccio Housing. We were able to revise our baskets a little and the price is $40/basket this Thanksgiving! Please see flier at end of newsletter for information.  The link is buried in the attached flier so you can easily click on it to donate.  Thank you.  (JIM SMITH)

  3. The Greenberg Center for Learning and Tolerance’s program, “Bridging The Political Divide ” last Thursday at the Ent Center was amazing..Besides David Siders, editor at POLITICO, Dick Wadhams, Nancy Henjum, Anthony Carlson, Will Stoller-Lee, Alasyn Zimmerman speaking, Mayor Yemi Mobolade spoke too!! Still getting comments from attendees saying this was one of the best programs ever!!!  Hard work paid off…you all know that scenario!!  (PAULETTE GREENBERG)


  1. )


  1. Enjoyed the presentation Kevin and Jesse.  (CANDY VANDENBERG)

  2. Thanks Kevin for an interesting and informative presentation.  (JIM SMITH)

  3. Great video of Kevin on his microgreens.  (MARK COPELIN)

  4. Good presentation today, Kevin!  (TODD MATIA)

  5. I look at your ghoulish forest every day!  Quite impressive.  (SPENCER SWANN)

  6. Great program, Kevin & Jesse!  (KODY MILLER)



Tricia Muehlbauer, Executive Director

 PO Box 7585 Colorado Springs, CO 80933-7585
Telephone: 719-291-5545; Fax: 719-213-2693
Email: director@csea.biz
Website: www.csea.biz

The information herein is privileged and is furnished by and for the members of the Colorado Springs Executives
Association. Any claim of damage resulting from others having access hereto is the sole responsibility of the
members or firm permitting such and is not the responsibility of the Association. Information in the newsletter has
been obtained and listed with care from sources deemed reliable, but its correctness is not guaranteed.

Current Board of Directors:John Gatto (President); Chris Waldron (Past President); Kevin Holt (Vice President); Carissa Smith (Secretary); Mark Peniston (Treasurer); Diane Ingolia; Michael Garrow; Jesse Carillo and Brooke McKenzie

To download the newsletter, click here.

October 23, 2024

Next week is our members only meeting where we will be voting on a bylaw change.

Please do not bring guests. 

Greeter:  Who would love to greet for us?!  Please let me know.  Thanks.

October 16, 2024

Thank you to Kevin Holt, Ute Pass Gardens, for today’s presentation on his microgreen business and also his Halloween passion!

See information in the newsletter on visiting his haunted forest!

Thank you too, to Jesse Carillo, Scoop Creative, for helping Kevin with his presentation and showing us some beautiful video work. Jesse is off to North Carolina to capture footage of hurricane disaster relief. 




Kevin Holt-Carla Wink, Multi Media Consultant

Mat LaFleur-Karie Wallace, owner of Arrow Moving & Storage

KC Spencer-Jeff Schnabel


October 18-Dan Adam, Adam & Son Auto Repair

October 19-Ron Genuario, Retired

October 20-Eddie Hurt, ERA Shields Real Estate

DOORPRIZE:  Kevin brought pumpkins for all who wanted one!


Notes from your executive director:

Execs will have this fiscal year’s annual meeting (members only) next Wednesday.  We will be voting on removing part of the verbiage in Article IV, Section two of our bylaws.  The board will explain why they are asking for a vote on this.  The meeting will be somewhat of a town hall format before votes are cast by Primary members.  Of course we love our Associate and Retired members and your input may help some Primary members, so come and participate. 


  1. CY’S Diner, next to Rick’s Garden Center on Uintah & 19th, is closing at the end of October.  (KEVIN HOLT)

BUSINESS INFORMATION (information pertaining to members’ businesses):

  1. Ready, set, snow.  The Christy Sports locals appreciation event begins this Friday.  Great deals on all ski & board gear.  (MIKE LLOYD)

  2. Wondering why mortgage rates went up a bit after the fed dropped the fed funds rate?  Call me!  719-494-9718.  (KODY MILLER)

  3. It may feel early but this is the time to start working on your company’s holiday printing:  greeting cards, calendars, event invitations.  We can print them all for you!  (CHRIS PELOSO)

  4. Your trusted roofer of voice, Weathercraft Co, here when you need expert roof repair & maintenance ensuring your building is protected year round.  (CAROLINE FLEMING)


  1. Amanda Quesada, please call me about a friend in need of family law help.  Cell:  719-424-0764.  (CHRIS PELOSO)


  1. The pumpkin give away will be this Saturday from noon to 4pm at our house in Cascade.  Call me @ 719-960-6829 for more details.  (KEVIN HOLT)

  2. There will be a Chamber Music Concert Sunday, October 20th at Temple Shalom, 1523 E. Monument from 3-5 pm.  Dr. Ben-Amots, music teacher, theory and composer professor at CC will be performing along with Susan Grace, a Grammy-nominated pianist and Steinway Artist at CC and Jeri Jorgansen on the Violin and a few other performers will participate too.  Cost is $30 a person and there is a wine and cheese reception to follow. Go to templeshalom.com to sign up.  You can also email me at dpgreenberg1@msn.com if you need help :). Great way to spend your Sunday afternoon!!!  (PAULETTE GREENBERG)

DIRECT LEADS (when you yourself do business w/ a member or someone you referred to a member does business with that member…closed business because of your membership in Execs!) AND REFERRALS:

  1. Direct lead to to Karen Heun.  Thanks for the help on the nametags!  (JON MARC RADSPINNER)

  2. Potential lead to all members…Woodmen Valley Chapel is buying First Christian Church at Platte and Cascade in downtown.  (DOUG LESKEE)

  3. Direct referral to Mark Peniston.  (TODD MATIA)

  4. Direct lead to Wendy’s.  (JON TAYLOR)

  5. Direct lead to Mat/Arrow Moving and Storage.  (EDDIE HURT)

  6. Direct lead to Chris Peloso “Steelhead Electric.”  (SPENCER SWANN)

  7. Direct lead to American Printing.  (TARA IRONS)

  8. Direct lead to Candy Vandenberg.  (JOE WILSON)

  9. Direct lead to Angie-Bruce Bettke was in to get glass window fixed.  (CHRIS WALDRON)

  10. Direct lead to TECC Painting and Coaltrain.  (ANGIE PETERS)

  11. Direct lead to Karen Heun.  (CARISSA SMITH)

  12. Direct lead to American Printing.  New order coming.  Thanks for the reminder about greeting/holiday cards.  (MICHAEL GARROW)

  13. Direct lead to Spencer Swann/Colorado Canyon Signs.  Thank you!  (KODY MILLER)

  14. Direct to Kevin Holt, Ute Pass Gardens.  Great presentation as well.  Love the use of microgreens.  (CAROLINE FLEMMING)

  15. Direct lead to Ash Burton, Nick & Liz Stark.  (KODY MILLER)

  16. Direct lead:  Scoop Creative and Adam & Son.  (DIANE INGOLIA)

  17. Direct lead to Carissa Smith for estate planning for the Avents.  (SALLY AVENT)


  1. None


  1. Brooke-congrats on the opening of Toodles Tea Room.  (TARA IRONS)   


  1. Thanks for repeat business, Joe Wilson.  (MAT LAFLEUR)

  2. Thanks for booking your move with us Bob Gillis!  (MAT LAFLEUR)

  3. Thanks to all of the Execs that have trusted Harvey Investment Management with your advanced wealth solutions!  We value your trust.  (TODD MATIA)

  4. Jonmarc-thank you for coming out.  Looking forward to the proposal for holiday lights.  (MIKE GARROW)

  5. Thanks Michael Garrow and Todd Matia for hosting Execs at Kissing Camels Golf Course last week!  (DOUG LESKEE)

  6. Thank you Doug from TECC Painting for your donation to Starz & Strides.  (SPENCER SWANN)

  7. Thanks for your hard work Brett from the Gazette.  (DOUG LESKEE)

  8. Thanks Kody at CCM for the interior signage.  (SPENCER SWANN)

  9. Thank you, Michael Garrow, for the opportunity to bid on Garden of the Gods Club and Resort holiday light for 2025!  (JONMARC RADSPINNER)

  10. Thanks Kevin for the show and the guests!  (SPENCER SWANN)

  11. Thank yous to Doug with TECC Painting on such quick service! And to Adam & Son for such thorough care of our Yukon.  (DIANE INGOLIA)


  1. Happy birthday Dan, Ron and Eddie.  (TERRENCE VAN SANT)

  2. Kevin, thanks for the greeting this morning!  (CANDY VANDENBERG)

  3. Trevor, hope your wife is doing well.  Continued prayers going your way.  (TODD MATIA)

  4. Had a blast with all of those who came to golf at Kissing Camels!  Thanks, Michael!  (TODD MATIA)

  5. Happy birthday Eddie & all!  (SPENCER SWANN)

  6. Cascade Haunted Forest Drive Through is located at 8048 U.S. Highway 24 in Cascade, CO. Zip code is 80809.  Directions: Take U.S. Highway 24 west towards Woodland Park, CO. Cascade is the first town that you come to after passing Manitou Springs, CO. It is 5 miles once you start up the pass.  When arriving in Cascade, turn right at the light and then left to the first street. This is Topeka Avenue.  Turn right and the entrance will be the first driveway on your right.  You may park on the street and walk in or drive through and exit at the end of the driveway.  Hours: Most people will be going through on Halloween, after the sun has set.  Call me at 719-960-6829 and let me know if you would like to come through earlier in the week.  This way I know you are coming and I can turn on the creatures.  (KEVIN HOLT)

  7. Greg Swartz medical update as of 10/7: It’s a busy week with doctor visits and PT sessions.  Leg / Ankle: It’s official. Today, I can start putting weight on the foot. Yay!  It’s only a few pounds… but I’ll take it!  Shoulder: Range of motion is 120 degrees upward and 110 degrees outward.  The glenoid is still severely fractured but making progress.  I  can now move up to 5 lbs! No more sling! (Unless necessary.)  Hand: Slight progress. Still have severe nerve damage in index finger and thumb.  Everything else works well. Waiting on shoulder progress before another EMG test (electrical shock therapy). I want to say thank you to my lovely bride, Saint Kim, for everything the last 10 weeks! She is amazing!  (GREG SWARTZ)


  1. I have four tickets available for the Broncos-Carolina game on October 27, twenty five yard line, row eight.  If interested, call for details.  (JOHN GATTO)

  2. It’s that time of year again! The Pikes Peak Kiwanis Club is pursuing sponsors for Thanksgiving baskets to be distributed to low income/needy families of our community neighbors at Greccio Housing. We were able to revise our baskets a little and the price is $40/basket this Thanksgiving! Please see flier at end of newsletter for information.  The link is buried in the attached flier so you can easily click on it to donate.  Thank you.  (JIM SMITH)

  3. The Greenberg Center for Learning and Tolerance’s program, “Bridging The Political Divide ” last Thursday at the Ent Center was amazing..Besides David Siders, editor at POLITICO, Dick Wadhams, Nancy Henjum, Anthony Carlson, Will Stoller-Lee, Alasyn Zimmerman speaking, Mayor Yemi Mobolade spoke too!! Still getting comments from attendees saying this was one of the best programs ever!!!  Hard work paid off…you all know that scenario!!  (PAULETTE GREENBERG)


  1. )


  1. Enjoyed the presentation Kevin and Jesse.  (CANDY VANDENBERG)

  2. Thanks Kevin for an interesting and informative presentation.  (JIM SMITH)

  3. Great video of Kevin on his microgreens.  (MARK COPELIN)

  4. Good presentation today, Kevin!  (TODD MATIA)

  5. I look at your ghoulish forest every day!  Quite impressive.  (SPENCER SWANN)

  6. Great program, Kevin & Jesse!  (KODY MILLER)



Tricia Muehlbauer, Executive Director

 PO Box 7585 Colorado Springs, CO 80933-7585
Telephone: 719-291-5545; Fax: 719-213-2693
Email: director@csea.biz
Website: www.csea.biz

The information herein is privileged and is furnished by and for the members of the Colorado Springs Executives
Association. Any claim of damage resulting from others having access hereto is the sole responsibility of the
members or firm permitting such and is not the responsibility of the Association. Information in the newsletter has
been obtained and listed with care from sources deemed reliable, but its correctness is not guaranteed.

Current Board of Directors:John Gatto (President); Chris Waldron (Past President); Kevin Holt (Vice President); Carissa Smith (Secretary); Mark Peniston (Treasurer); Diane Ingolia; Michael Garrow; Jesse Carillo and Brooke McKenzie

To download the newsletter, click here.

October 23, 2024

Next week is our members only meeting where we will be voting on a bylaw change.

Please do not bring guests. 

Greeter:  Who would love to greet for us?!  Please let me know.  Thanks.

October 16, 2024

Thank you to Kevin Holt, Ute Pass Gardens, for today’s presentation on his microgreen business and also his Halloween passion!

See information in the newsletter on visiting his haunted forest!

Thank you too, to Jesse Carillo, Scoop Creative, for helping Kevin with his presentation and showing us some beautiful video work. Jesse is off to North Carolina to capture footage of hurricane disaster relief. 




Kevin Holt-Carla Wink, Multi Media Consultant

Mat LaFleur-Karie Wallace, owner of Arrow Moving & Storage

KC Spencer-Jeff Schnabel


October 18-Dan Adam, Adam & Son Auto Repair

October 19-Ron Genuario, Retired

October 20-Eddie Hurt, ERA Shields Real Estate

DOORPRIZE:  Kevin brought pumpkins for all who wanted one!


Notes from your executive director:

Execs will have this fiscal year’s annual meeting (members only) next Wednesday.  We will be voting on removing part of the verbiage in Article IV, Section two of our bylaws.  The board will explain why they are asking for a vote on this.  The meeting will be somewhat of a town hall format before votes are cast by Primary members.  Of course we love our Associate and Retired members and your input may help some Primary members, so come and participate. 


  1. CY’S Diner, next to Rick’s Garden Center on Uintah & 19th, is closing at the end of October.  (KEVIN HOLT)

BUSINESS INFORMATION (information pertaining to members’ businesses):

  1. Ready, set, snow.  The Christy Sports locals appreciation event begins this Friday.  Great deals on all ski & board gear.  (MIKE LLOYD)

  2. Wondering why mortgage rates went up a bit after the fed dropped the fed funds rate?  Call me!  719-494-9718.  (KODY MILLER)

  3. It may feel early but this is the time to start working on your company’s holiday printing:  greeting cards, calendars, event invitations.  We can print them all for you!  (CHRIS PELOSO)

  4. Your trusted roofer of voice, Weathercraft Co, here when you need expert roof repair & maintenance ensuring your building is protected year round.  (CAROLINE FLEMING)


  1. Amanda Quesada, please call me about a friend in need of family law help.  Cell:  719-424-0764.  (CHRIS PELOSO)


  1. The pumpkin give away will be this Saturday from noon to 4pm at our house in Cascade.  Call me @ 719-960-6829 for more details.  (KEVIN HOLT)

  2. There will be a Chamber Music Concert Sunday, October 20th at Temple Shalom, 1523 E. Monument from 3-5 pm.  Dr. Ben-Amots, music teacher, theory and composer professor at CC will be performing along with Susan Grace, a Grammy-nominated pianist and Steinway Artist at CC and Jeri Jorgansen on the Violin and a few other performers will participate too.  Cost is $30 a person and there is a wine and cheese reception to follow. Go to templeshalom.com to sign up.  You can also email me at dpgreenberg1@msn.com if you need help :). Great way to spend your Sunday afternoon!!!  (PAULETTE GREENBERG)

DIRECT LEADS (when you yourself do business w/ a member or someone you referred to a member does business with that member…closed business because of your membership in Execs!) AND REFERRALS:

  1. Direct lead to to Karen Heun.  Thanks for the help on the nametags!  (JON MARC RADSPINNER)

  2. Potential lead to all members…Woodmen Valley Chapel is buying First Christian Church at Platte and Cascade in downtown.  (DOUG LESKEE)

  3. Direct referral to Mark Peniston.  (TODD MATIA)

  4. Direct lead to Wendy’s.  (JON TAYLOR)

  5. Direct lead to Mat/Arrow Moving and Storage.  (EDDIE HURT)

  6. Direct lead to Chris Peloso “Steelhead Electric.”  (SPENCER SWANN)

  7. Direct lead to American Printing.  (TARA IRONS)

  8. Direct lead to Candy Vandenberg.  (JOE WILSON)

  9. Direct lead to Angie-Bruce Bettke was in to get glass window fixed.  (CHRIS WALDRON)

  10. Direct lead to TECC Painting and Coaltrain.  (ANGIE PETERS)

  11. Direct lead to Karen Heun.  (CARISSA SMITH)

  12. Direct lead to American Printing.  New order coming.  Thanks for the reminder about greeting/holiday cards.  (MICHAEL GARROW)

  13. Direct lead to Spencer Swann/Colorado Canyon Signs.  Thank you!  (KODY MILLER)

  14. Direct to Kevin Holt, Ute Pass Gardens.  Great presentation as well.  Love the use of microgreens.  (CAROLINE FLEMMING)

  15. Direct lead to Ash Burton, Nick & Liz Stark.  (KODY MILLER)

  16. Direct lead:  Scoop Creative and Adam & Son.  (DIANE INGOLIA)

  17. Direct lead to Carissa Smith for estate planning for the Avents.  (SALLY AVENT)


  1. None


  1. Brooke-congrats on the opening of Toodles Tea Room.  (TARA IRONS)   


  1. Thanks for repeat business, Joe Wilson.  (MAT LAFLEUR)

  2. Thanks for booking your move with us Bob Gillis!  (MAT LAFLEUR)

  3. Thanks to all of the Execs that have trusted Harvey Investment Management with your advanced wealth solutions!  We value your trust.  (TODD MATIA)

  4. Jonmarc-thank you for coming out.  Looking forward to the proposal for holiday lights.  (MIKE GARROW)

  5. Thanks Michael Garrow and Todd Matia for hosting Execs at Kissing Camels Golf Course last week!  (DOUG LESKEE)

  6. Thank you Doug from TECC Painting for your donation to Starz & Strides.  (SPENCER SWANN)

  7. Thanks for your hard work Brett from the Gazette.  (DOUG LESKEE)

  8. Thanks Kody at CCM for the interior signage.  (SPENCER SWANN)

  9. Thank you, Michael Garrow, for the opportunity to bid on Garden of the Gods Club and Resort holiday light for 2025!  (JONMARC RADSPINNER)

  10. Thanks Kevin for the show and the guests!  (SPENCER SWANN)

  11. Thank yous to Doug with TECC Painting on such quick service! And to Adam & Son for such thorough care of our Yukon.  (DIANE INGOLIA)


  1. Happy birthday Dan, Ron and Eddie.  (TERRENCE VAN SANT)

  2. Kevin, thanks for the greeting this morning!  (CANDY VANDENBERG)

  3. Trevor, hope your wife is doing well.  Continued prayers going your way.  (TODD MATIA)

  4. Had a blast with all of those who came to golf at Kissing Camels!  Thanks, Michael!  (TODD MATIA)

  5. Happy birthday Eddie & all!  (SPENCER SWANN)

  6. Cascade Haunted Forest Drive Through is located at 8048 U.S. Highway 24 in Cascade, CO. Zip code is 80809.  Directions: Take U.S. Highway 24 west towards Woodland Park, CO. Cascade is the first town that you come to after passing Manitou Springs, CO. It is 5 miles once you start up the pass.  When arriving in Cascade, turn right at the light and then left to the first street. This is Topeka Avenue.  Turn right and the entrance will be the first driveway on your right.  You may park on the street and walk in or drive through and exit at the end of the driveway.  Hours: Most people will be going through on Halloween, after the sun has set.  Call me at 719-960-6829 and let me know if you would like to come through earlier in the week.  This way I know you are coming and I can turn on the creatures.  (KEVIN HOLT)

  7. Greg Swartz medical update as of 10/7: It’s a busy week with doctor visits and PT sessions.  Leg / Ankle: It’s official. Today, I can start putting weight on the foot. Yay!  It’s only a few pounds… but I’ll take it!  Shoulder: Range of motion is 120 degrees upward and 110 degrees outward.  The glenoid is still severely fractured but making progress.  I  can now move up to 5 lbs! No more sling! (Unless necessary.)  Hand: Slight progress. Still have severe nerve damage in index finger and thumb.  Everything else works well. Waiting on shoulder progress before another EMG test (electrical shock therapy). I want to say thank you to my lovely bride, Saint Kim, for everything the last 10 weeks! She is amazing!  (GREG SWARTZ)


  1. I have four tickets available for the Broncos-Carolina game on October 27, twenty five yard line, row eight.  If interested, call for details.  (JOHN GATTO)

  2. It’s that time of year again! The Pikes Peak Kiwanis Club is pursuing sponsors for Thanksgiving baskets to be distributed to low income/needy families of our community neighbors at Greccio Housing. We were able to revise our baskets a little and the price is $40/basket this Thanksgiving! Please see flier at end of newsletter for information.  The link is buried in the attached flier so you can easily click on it to donate.  Thank you.  (JIM SMITH)

  3. The Greenberg Center for Learning and Tolerance’s program, “Bridging The Political Divide ” last Thursday at the Ent Center was amazing..Besides David Siders, editor at POLITICO, Dick Wadhams, Nancy Henjum, Anthony Carlson, Will Stoller-Lee, Alasyn Zimmerman speaking, Mayor Yemi Mobolade spoke too!! Still getting comments from attendees saying this was one of the best programs ever!!!  Hard work paid off…you all know that scenario!!  (PAULETTE GREENBERG)


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  1. Enjoyed the presentation Kevin and Jesse.  (CANDY VANDENBERG)

  2. Thanks Kevin for an interesting and informative presentation.  (JIM SMITH)

  3. Great video of Kevin on his microgreens.  (MARK COPELIN)

  4. Good presentation today, Kevin!  (TODD MATIA)

  5. I look at your ghoulish forest every day!  Quite impressive.  (SPENCER SWANN)

  6. Great program, Kevin & Jesse!  (KODY MILLER)