February 21, 2024 Newsletter

Tricia Muehlbauer, Executive Director

 PO Box 7585 Colorado Springs, CO 80933-7585
Telephone: 719-291-5545; Fax: 719-213-2693
Email: director@csea.biz
Website: www.csea.biz

The information herein is privileged and is furnished by and for the members of the Colorado Springs Executives
Association. Any claim of damage resulting from others having access hereto is the sole responsibility of the
members or firm permitting such and is not the responsibility of the Association. Information in the newsletter has
been obtained and listed with care from sources deemed reliable, but its correctness is not guaranteed.

Current Board of Directors:-Jenn Kolk, President; Tara Irons-Past President; Chris Waldron-Vice President; Stephanie Horton-Secretary; Diana Thate Treasurer; Todd Matia; Larry Blevins; Karen Heun; Kody Miller


To download the newsletter, click here.



February 28, 2024

Brenda Speer, Stamford Orange

Brenda Speer will give us a reprise on her new venture, Stamford Orange Ltd, and the game Who Did What?! Wear your thinking caps, because she will engage the membership in a live play demonstration! Yes, it is a redo from a year ago when she got snowed out and only about a dozen people showed! Fingers crossed for fair weather.


Who wants to be the greeter?!  7am to 7:40am


February 21, 2024

Thank you to Wayne Heilman for today’s guest speaker from Legacy Race Battling Breast Cancer

Legacy Race Battling Breast Cancer is a new 5K walk and race that replaces the former Race for the Cure. The race will be June 22, starting at the Norris-Penrose Events Center. The parent organization is the Norris-Penrose Legacy Foundation, which owns and operates the stadium. The leadership and many of the volunteers of the race have been involved for decades with the former Race for the Cure.  Register for the race today! 





Wayne Heilman– Nannetta Westcott, Karen Svarverud

Greg Swartz– Drew Lints, Confluence Marketing Software and Lead Generation

Todd Matia– Andrew Perkett, COS Hauling



February 22-Todd Matia, Harvey Investment Management and Charles Zerbe, Retired


Congrats to Ben Wojchik who won a $25 pass for unlimited beer at the Legacy Race beer tent!




Notes from your executive director:

 At last week’s board meeting, the board:

      Approved Primary membership for Pilar Chavarria, the Happy Plumber.  He is sponsored by Paul Hasty, Tint Technologies. Category-plumbing. Welcome, Pilar!  And thank you, Paul, for sponsoring him!

      Opened the category of ‘Patent and Intellectual Property Attorney’ for Sebastian Ertelt, Fargo Patent & Business Law.  Sebastian is sponsored by Jay Gust, Ascent Restaurant Group.  Should you know anyone who might like to compete for this category, please bring them as a guest.  As always, it is the goal of Execs to engage with best in class companies.

      Opened the category of ‘Sales Software’ for Drew Lints, Confluence Marketing.  Drew is sponsored by Greg Swartz, Swartz Electric.  Should you know anyone who might like to compete for this category, please bring them as a guest.  As always, it is the goal of Execs to engage with best in class companies.

     Approved Associate membership for Ash Burden, Brightway Insurance.  Welcome Ash!

Our March 6 meeting will be OFF-SITE at the Best Western Plus Fillmore Inn!  Make note of it!!  And do not miss it! 

I would like to book presentations in March and April!  Would you like to grab one of the weeks to showcase your business?!  Please let me know!



  1. None

BUSINESS INFORMATION (information pertaining to members’ businesses):

  1. We have a unique approach to deck projects: KBC Designs> renderings> approval recess and build deck using our team. If you have any questions about the new WUI or PPRBD regulations, please reach out. Happy to share what we know. 719-358-7053. (MICHAEL KRUEGER)
  2. New customers and lead, Divine Redeemer Church. A large church and busy elementary school. The church’s long term maintenance director has retired. This opens up opportunities for all who sell products and services to large facilities. The new director is open to change. (DAVID HORWITZ)
  3. Ignite Fueling Innovation Inc. Systems and Software Engineering services ribbon cutting today at 3:30pm with Chamber at 985 Space Center Dr. (SEBASTIAN ERTELT, Primary member applicant)
  4. Did you know Hills Science Diet is facing two class action lawsuits? One lawsuit is for ‘prescription’ dog food because there is no therapeutic value and no medicine in the food yet they charge excess for it. The second lawsuit is for intentionally misleading customers to believe grain free food causes heart disease in dogs. (BILL HUFFOR)
  5. No QR from Waste Management. Watch out for Quishing! (DAVID PEREZ)  (David-tell us what this means!  ~Tricia)
  6. We now carry Sasquatch Cookies, including cookies for your dog! (PEGGY MCKINLAY)
  7. Looking to purchase a new home or know anyone who is? Call me! (KODY MILLER)
  8. Cultivate House Detailing just passed one hundred five-star google reviews in less than a year and a half! Thank you to everyone in Execs for supporting us as the best window cleaning company in Colorado Springs. (JONMARC RADSPINNER)
  9. Tapateria (one of my restaurants!) has Paella on the Patio scheduled May-September.  Mark your calendar for the May event:  May 19th – Classic Mixta:  Clams, mussels, chicken, shrimp, cantimpalitos,roasted red peppers, seared padrons, sliced mushrooms and green onions on a base of saffron and chicken stock. (JAY GUST)  Jay-it’s GREAT to have you back!  Update us on your world of restaurant excellence! (TRICIA MUEHLBAUER)


  1. None


  1. Remember “Angels Against Alzheimers” fundraiser is Saturday April 6th. Casino Night. Lots of fun for a great cause. Please go to www.angelsagainstalzheimers.com and get your tickets! (CANDY VANDENBERG)
  2. Feb 28-Mar 2 is the Colorado Springs Wine Festival that benefits COS Conservatory. Tickets are available but selling out! Coaltrain and Picnic Basket have been sponsors for over thirty years. (KATHY DREILING)

DIRECT LEADS (when you yourself do business w/ a member or someone you referred to a member does business with that member) AND REFERRALS:

  1. Direct lead to Jonmarc, Cultivate House Detailing. (KIM GRIFFIS)
  2. Direct lead to Brooke Orist, Sasquatch Cookies. (KIM GRIFFIS)
  3. Direct lead to Pilar Chavarria. (CHRIS WALDRON)
  4. Direct lead to Mark Peniston. (MIKE ESCHLER)
  5. Direct lead to Wendy’s. (MIKE ESCHLER)
  6. Direct lead to American Printing. (TARA IRONS)
  7. Direct lead to Paul with Tint Technologies. (MIKE GARROW)
  8. Direct lead to Weathercraft Roofing for more repairs at the Berwick Building. (DOUG BERWICK)
  9. Direct lead to Mark Peniston, x2. (TODD MATIA)
  10. Direct lead to KC Spencer/Colorado Mold and Restoration. (TODD MATIA)
  11. Direct lead to David Horwitz with Colorado Springs Cleaning Supply. (DIANA THATE)
  12. Direct lead to Brightway. (JP WEST)
  13. Direct lead to Sasquatch Cookies, who delivered birthday cookies to multiple clients for me this week. (JP WEST)
  14. Direct lead to Ash at Brightway, Sydney F. (KODY MILLER)
  15. Direct lead to Adam and Son for a repair on our company truck. Thanks Dan. (MIKE EDDE)
  16. Direct lead to Underline, ongoing. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  17. Direct lead to The Gazette, ongoing. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  18. Direct lead to Waste Management, ongoing. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  19. Direct lead to Payroll City, ongoing. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  20. Direct lead to Ent, ongoing. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  21. Direct lead to WestCo, ongoing. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  22. Direct lead to Diana at Payroll City. I need a quote for a single employee. (CANDY VANDENBERG)
  23. Direct lead to Carissa at Forbush Legal. I need a quote. (CANDY VANDENBERG)
  24. Direct lead to Chris Waldron. (CAROLINE FLEMING)
  25. Direct lead to Spencer Swann at Canyon Signs. (ANGIE PETERS)
  26. Direct lead to Nancy Kelly at Syntrak International. (ANGIE PETERS)
  27. Direct lead to Candy Vandenberg. (JONMARC RADSPINNER)
  28. Direct lead to The Gazette, ongoing. (STEPHANIE HORTON)
  29. Direct lead to JP West. Biblical Inc. PEO exit strategy workers comp. (BEN WOJCHIK)


  1. Looking to hire a Director of Sales for a busy catering establishment. Apply at Picnic Basket Catering Collective at 719-635-0200. (KATHY DREILING)


  1. None         


  1. Thank you Todd for the continued partnership. (MARK PENISTON)
  2. Thank you Mark Peniston for the great tax preparation. (DON MOON)
  3. Thank you Joe Wilson. (MIKE ESCHLER)
  4. Thank you Brandon Kolk. (MIKE ESCHLER)
  5. Thanks Dana Rocha. I look forward to some potential business! (DAVID PEREZ)
  6. Thank you to Tim Betsch with Syntrak for the meeting. (ALLAN TODD)
  7. Thank you Kody Miller for sending leads. (ASH BURDEN)
  8. Thank you Todd Matia for your time. (ASH BURDEN)
  9. Thank you to City Glass for choosing Swartz Electric to repair and replace their lighting. (GREG SWARTZ)
  10. Thank you to Kevin Holt for choosing Swartz. (GREG SWARTZ)
  11. Thank you Tony and TECC for removing graffiti from our sign. (MIKE GARROW)
  12. Thank you Todd Matia for sharing ideas re: the club. (MIKE GARROW)
  13. Thank you to the Original Overhead Door for the installation of the new door for our hay barn.  Looks great! (DOUG BERWICK)
  14. Michael Krueger- I’m thankful for Krueger Brothers Construction and you checking out our location. (TODD MATIA)
  15. As always, Peggy and Jim, thanks for your knowledgeable staff. (TODD MATIA)
  16. Nancy, thank you for your kindness and willingness to talk with my son. I appreciate you! (ANGIE PETERS)
  17. Todd Matia, thank you for your kindness and patience as we work through your shower door issue. (ANGIE PETERS)
  18. Thanks for recent orders from Amnet, KCME and Garden of the Gods Resort. (CHRIS PELOSO)


  1. Next Thursday 2/29, come join me at Mash Mechanix from 5-7pm. Let me buy you a drink! (MICHAEL GARNER)
  2. Great to see our Sheriff Joe at the City Slicker Rodeo at Latigo Saturday. (DOUG BERWICK)
  3. After 38 years as a member of CSEA the time has come for me to drive on down the road.  I have appreciated all of the business Berwick Electric Co. provided to other members, the great products and services I have received over the years from members and especially the friendships that I have formed with other members.  Great job as Zoo Keeper of the group Trish, and hope to see you all down the road. (DOUG BERWICK)
  4. Mark Copelin- looking forward to connecting. (TODD MATIA)
  5. John Gatto- would love to connect. (TODD MATIA)
  6. Kevin Holt- good to hang out and chat. You are a wealth of knowledge. (TODD MATIA)
  7. Todd M- looking forward to getting together at lunch. (MARK COPELIN)
  8. Candy Vandenberg at Ent, I will call you on a lead for a CD for a family member. Moving money over from Wells Fargo. (MARK COPELIN)
  9. Just signed up with Underline, thanks to Michael Garner! (CHRIS PELOSO)
  10. Happy Birthday Todd! (STEPHANIE HORTON)
  11. If your business has a monitor or iPad that you’re willing to donate please contact Stephanie Horton at gm@kcme.org. It can be used if in good condition. (STEPHANIE HORTON)


  1. I launched my own fine art website. Buy art from someone you know! Www.bernardsandoval.com. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  2. I met with Lynda Cink of Mt. Carmel Veterans Service Center about joining CSEA. Hopefully she will attend a breakfast soon. (DANA ROCHA)


  1. None


  1. For more info on the race, go to www.legacyrace.org. It is June 22nd at the Norris-Penrose Events Center, 1045 Lower Gold Camp Rd. If you are interested in being a sponsor, contact me at wayneheilman@msn.com or 719-964-3175. (WAYNE HEILMAN)
  2. Legacy Race, very interesting information. Thanks for presenting! (JIM SMITH)
  3. Great race to support! Legacy Race! Thanks Wayne! (JEFF TARBERT)
  4. Great presentation! (TODD MATIA)
  5. Wayne, thanks for the program. Legacy Race-great program, great cause! (CANDY VANDENBERG)
  6. Thank you for a great presentation. (CAROLINE FLEMING)




Tricia Muehlbauer, Executive Director

 PO Box 7585 Colorado Springs, CO 80933-7585
Telephone: 719-291-5545; Fax: 719-213-2693
Email: director@csea.biz
Website: www.csea.biz

The information herein is privileged and is furnished by and for the members of the Colorado Springs Executives
Association. Any claim of damage resulting from others having access hereto is the sole responsibility of the
members or firm permitting such and is not the responsibility of the Association. Information in the newsletter has
been obtained and listed with care from sources deemed reliable, but its correctness is not guaranteed.

Current Board of Directors:-Jenn Kolk, President; Tara Irons-Past President; Chris Waldron-Vice President; Stephanie Horton-Secretary; Diana Thate Treasurer; Todd Matia; Larry Blevins; Karen Heun; Kody Miller


To download the newsletter, click here.



February 28, 2024

Brenda Speer, Stamford Orange

Brenda Speer will give us a reprise on her new venture, Stamford Orange Ltd, and the game Who Did What?! Wear your thinking caps, because she will engage the membership in a live play demonstration! Yes, it is a redo from a year ago when she got snowed out and only about a dozen people showed! Fingers crossed for fair weather.


Who wants to be the greeter?!  7am to 7:40am


February 21, 2024

Thank you to Wayne Heilman for today’s guest speaker from Legacy Race Battling Breast Cancer

Legacy Race Battling Breast Cancer is a new 5K walk and race that replaces the former Race for the Cure. The race will be June 22, starting at the Norris-Penrose Events Center. The parent organization is the Norris-Penrose Legacy Foundation, which owns and operates the stadium. The leadership and many of the volunteers of the race have been involved for decades with the former Race for the Cure.  Register for the race today! 





Wayne Heilman– Nannetta Westcott, Karen Svarverud

Greg Swartz– Drew Lints, Confluence Marketing Software and Lead Generation

Todd Matia– Andrew Perkett, COS Hauling



February 22-Todd Matia, Harvey Investment Management and Charles Zerbe, Retired


Congrats to Ben Wojchik who won a $25 pass for unlimited beer at the Legacy Race beer tent!




Notes from your executive director:

 At last week’s board meeting, the board:

      Approved Primary membership for Pilar Chavarria, the Happy Plumber.  He is sponsored by Paul Hasty, Tint Technologies. Category-plumbing. Welcome, Pilar!  And thank you, Paul, for sponsoring him!

      Opened the category of ‘Patent and Intellectual Property Attorney’ for Sebastian Ertelt, Fargo Patent & Business Law.  Sebastian is sponsored by Jay Gust, Ascent Restaurant Group.  Should you know anyone who might like to compete for this category, please bring them as a guest.  As always, it is the goal of Execs to engage with best in class companies.

      Opened the category of ‘Sales Software’ for Drew Lints, Confluence Marketing.  Drew is sponsored by Greg Swartz, Swartz Electric.  Should you know anyone who might like to compete for this category, please bring them as a guest.  As always, it is the goal of Execs to engage with best in class companies.

     Approved Associate membership for Ash Burden, Brightway Insurance.  Welcome Ash!

Our March 6 meeting will be OFF-SITE at the Best Western Plus Fillmore Inn!  Make note of it!!  And do not miss it! 

I would like to book presentations in March and April!  Would you like to grab one of the weeks to showcase your business?!  Please let me know!



  1. None

BUSINESS INFORMATION (information pertaining to members’ businesses):

  1. We have a unique approach to deck projects: KBC Designs> renderings> approval recess and build deck using our team. If you have any questions about the new WUI or PPRBD regulations, please reach out. Happy to share what we know. 719-358-7053. (MICHAEL KRUEGER)
  2. New customers and lead, Divine Redeemer Church. A large church and busy elementary school. The church’s long term maintenance director has retired. This opens up opportunities for all who sell products and services to large facilities. The new director is open to change. (DAVID HORWITZ)
  3. Ignite Fueling Innovation Inc. Systems and Software Engineering services ribbon cutting today at 3:30pm with Chamber at 985 Space Center Dr. (SEBASTIAN ERTELT, Primary member applicant)
  4. Did you know Hills Science Diet is facing two class action lawsuits? One lawsuit is for ‘prescription’ dog food because there is no therapeutic value and no medicine in the food yet they charge excess for it. The second lawsuit is for intentionally misleading customers to believe grain free food causes heart disease in dogs. (BILL HUFFOR)
  5. No QR from Waste Management. Watch out for Quishing! (DAVID PEREZ)  (David-tell us what this means!  ~Tricia)
  6. We now carry Sasquatch Cookies, including cookies for your dog! (PEGGY MCKINLAY)
  7. Looking to purchase a new home or know anyone who is? Call me! (KODY MILLER)
  8. Cultivate House Detailing just passed one hundred five-star google reviews in less than a year and a half! Thank you to everyone in Execs for supporting us as the best window cleaning company in Colorado Springs. (JONMARC RADSPINNER)
  9. Tapateria (one of my restaurants!) has Paella on the Patio scheduled May-September.  Mark your calendar for the May event:  May 19th – Classic Mixta:  Clams, mussels, chicken, shrimp, cantimpalitos,roasted red peppers, seared padrons, sliced mushrooms and green onions on a base of saffron and chicken stock. (JAY GUST)  Jay-it’s GREAT to have you back!  Update us on your world of restaurant excellence! (TRICIA MUEHLBAUER)


  1. None


  1. Remember “Angels Against Alzheimers” fundraiser is Saturday April 6th. Casino Night. Lots of fun for a great cause. Please go to www.angelsagainstalzheimers.com and get your tickets! (CANDY VANDENBERG)
  2. Feb 28-Mar 2 is the Colorado Springs Wine Festival that benefits COS Conservatory. Tickets are available but selling out! Coaltrain and Picnic Basket have been sponsors for over thirty years. (KATHY DREILING)

DIRECT LEADS (when you yourself do business w/ a member or someone you referred to a member does business with that member) AND REFERRALS:

  1. Direct lead to Jonmarc, Cultivate House Detailing. (KIM GRIFFIS)
  2. Direct lead to Brooke Orist, Sasquatch Cookies. (KIM GRIFFIS)
  3. Direct lead to Pilar Chavarria. (CHRIS WALDRON)
  4. Direct lead to Mark Peniston. (MIKE ESCHLER)
  5. Direct lead to Wendy’s. (MIKE ESCHLER)
  6. Direct lead to American Printing. (TARA IRONS)
  7. Direct lead to Paul with Tint Technologies. (MIKE GARROW)
  8. Direct lead to Weathercraft Roofing for more repairs at the Berwick Building. (DOUG BERWICK)
  9. Direct lead to Mark Peniston, x2. (TODD MATIA)
  10. Direct lead to KC Spencer/Colorado Mold and Restoration. (TODD MATIA)
  11. Direct lead to David Horwitz with Colorado Springs Cleaning Supply. (DIANA THATE)
  12. Direct lead to Brightway. (JP WEST)
  13. Direct lead to Sasquatch Cookies, who delivered birthday cookies to multiple clients for me this week. (JP WEST)
  14. Direct lead to Ash at Brightway, Sydney F. (KODY MILLER)
  15. Direct lead to Adam and Son for a repair on our company truck. Thanks Dan. (MIKE EDDE)
  16. Direct lead to Underline, ongoing. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  17. Direct lead to The Gazette, ongoing. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  18. Direct lead to Waste Management, ongoing. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  19. Direct lead to Payroll City, ongoing. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  20. Direct lead to Ent, ongoing. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  21. Direct lead to WestCo, ongoing. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  22. Direct lead to Diana at Payroll City. I need a quote for a single employee. (CANDY VANDENBERG)
  23. Direct lead to Carissa at Forbush Legal. I need a quote. (CANDY VANDENBERG)
  24. Direct lead to Chris Waldron. (CAROLINE FLEMING)
  25. Direct lead to Spencer Swann at Canyon Signs. (ANGIE PETERS)
  26. Direct lead to Nancy Kelly at Syntrak International. (ANGIE PETERS)
  27. Direct lead to Candy Vandenberg. (JONMARC RADSPINNER)
  28. Direct lead to The Gazette, ongoing. (STEPHANIE HORTON)
  29. Direct lead to JP West. Biblical Inc. PEO exit strategy workers comp. (BEN WOJCHIK)


  1. Looking to hire a Director of Sales for a busy catering establishment. Apply at Picnic Basket Catering Collective at 719-635-0200. (KATHY DREILING)


  1. None         


  1. Thank you Todd for the continued partnership. (MARK PENISTON)
  2. Thank you Mark Peniston for the great tax preparation. (DON MOON)
  3. Thank you Joe Wilson. (MIKE ESCHLER)
  4. Thank you Brandon Kolk. (MIKE ESCHLER)
  5. Thanks Dana Rocha. I look forward to some potential business! (DAVID PEREZ)
  6. Thank you to Tim Betsch with Syntrak for the meeting. (ALLAN TODD)
  7. Thank you Kody Miller for sending leads. (ASH BURDEN)
  8. Thank you Todd Matia for your time. (ASH BURDEN)
  9. Thank you to City Glass for choosing Swartz Electric to repair and replace their lighting. (GREG SWARTZ)
  10. Thank you to Kevin Holt for choosing Swartz. (GREG SWARTZ)
  11. Thank you Tony and TECC for removing graffiti from our sign. (MIKE GARROW)
  12. Thank you Todd Matia for sharing ideas re: the club. (MIKE GARROW)
  13. Thank you to the Original Overhead Door for the installation of the new door for our hay barn.  Looks great! (DOUG BERWICK)
  14. Michael Krueger- I’m thankful for Krueger Brothers Construction and you checking out our location. (TODD MATIA)
  15. As always, Peggy and Jim, thanks for your knowledgeable staff. (TODD MATIA)
  16. Nancy, thank you for your kindness and willingness to talk with my son. I appreciate you! (ANGIE PETERS)
  17. Todd Matia, thank you for your kindness and patience as we work through your shower door issue. (ANGIE PETERS)
  18. Thanks for recent orders from Amnet, KCME and Garden of the Gods Resort. (CHRIS PELOSO)


  1. Next Thursday 2/29, come join me at Mash Mechanix from 5-7pm. Let me buy you a drink! (MICHAEL GARNER)
  2. Great to see our Sheriff Joe at the City Slicker Rodeo at Latigo Saturday. (DOUG BERWICK)
  3. After 38 years as a member of CSEA the time has come for me to drive on down the road.  I have appreciated all of the business Berwick Electric Co. provided to other members, the great products and services I have received over the years from members and especially the friendships that I have formed with other members.  Great job as Zoo Keeper of the group Trish, and hope to see you all down the road. (DOUG BERWICK)
  4. Mark Copelin- looking forward to connecting. (TODD MATIA)
  5. John Gatto- would love to connect. (TODD MATIA)
  6. Kevin Holt- good to hang out and chat. You are a wealth of knowledge. (TODD MATIA)
  7. Todd M- looking forward to getting together at lunch. (MARK COPELIN)
  8. Candy Vandenberg at Ent, I will call you on a lead for a CD for a family member. Moving money over from Wells Fargo. (MARK COPELIN)
  9. Just signed up with Underline, thanks to Michael Garner! (CHRIS PELOSO)
  10. Happy Birthday Todd! (STEPHANIE HORTON)
  11. If your business has a monitor or iPad that you’re willing to donate please contact Stephanie Horton at gm@kcme.org. It can be used if in good condition. (STEPHANIE HORTON)


  1. I launched my own fine art website. Buy art from someone you know! Www.bernardsandoval.com. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  2. I met with Lynda Cink of Mt. Carmel Veterans Service Center about joining CSEA. Hopefully she will attend a breakfast soon. (DANA ROCHA)


  1. None


  1. For more info on the race, go to www.legacyrace.org. It is June 22nd at the Norris-Penrose Events Center, 1045 Lower Gold Camp Rd. If you are interested in being a sponsor, contact me at wayneheilman@msn.com or 719-964-3175. (WAYNE HEILMAN)
  2. Legacy Race, very interesting information. Thanks for presenting! (JIM SMITH)
  3. Great race to support! Legacy Race! Thanks Wayne! (JEFF TARBERT)
  4. Great presentation! (TODD MATIA)
  5. Wayne, thanks for the program. Legacy Race-great program, great cause! (CANDY VANDENBERG)
  6. Thank you for a great presentation. (CAROLINE FLEMING)




Tricia Muehlbauer, Executive Director

 PO Box 7585 Colorado Springs, CO 80933-7585
Telephone: 719-291-5545; Fax: 719-213-2693
Email: director@csea.biz
Website: www.csea.biz

The information herein is privileged and is furnished by and for the members of the Colorado Springs Executives
Association. Any claim of damage resulting from others having access hereto is the sole responsibility of the
members or firm permitting such and is not the responsibility of the Association. Information in the newsletter has
been obtained and listed with care from sources deemed reliable, but its correctness is not guaranteed.

Current Board of Directors:-Jenn Kolk, President; Tara Irons-Past President; Chris Waldron-Vice President; Stephanie Horton-Secretary; Diana Thate Treasurer; Todd Matia; Larry Blevins; Karen Heun; Kody Miller


To download the newsletter, click here.



February 28, 2024

Brenda Speer, Stamford Orange

Brenda Speer will give us a reprise on her new venture, Stamford Orange Ltd, and the game Who Did What?! Wear your thinking caps, because she will engage the membership in a live play demonstration! Yes, it is a redo from a year ago when she got snowed out and only about a dozen people showed! Fingers crossed for fair weather.


Who wants to be the greeter?!  7am to 7:40am


February 21, 2024

Thank you to Wayne Heilman for today’s guest speaker from Legacy Race Battling Breast Cancer

Legacy Race Battling Breast Cancer is a new 5K walk and race that replaces the former Race for the Cure. The race will be June 22, starting at the Norris-Penrose Events Center. The parent organization is the Norris-Penrose Legacy Foundation, which owns and operates the stadium. The leadership and many of the volunteers of the race have been involved for decades with the former Race for the Cure.  Register for the race today! 





Wayne Heilman– Nannetta Westcott, Karen Svarverud

Greg Swartz– Drew Lints, Confluence Marketing Software and Lead Generation

Todd Matia– Andrew Perkett, COS Hauling



February 22-Todd Matia, Harvey Investment Management and Charles Zerbe, Retired


Congrats to Ben Wojchik who won a $25 pass for unlimited beer at the Legacy Race beer tent!




Notes from your executive director:

 At last week’s board meeting, the board:

      Approved Primary membership for Pilar Chavarria, the Happy Plumber.  He is sponsored by Paul Hasty, Tint Technologies. Category-plumbing. Welcome, Pilar!  And thank you, Paul, for sponsoring him!

      Opened the category of ‘Patent and Intellectual Property Attorney’ for Sebastian Ertelt, Fargo Patent & Business Law.  Sebastian is sponsored by Jay Gust, Ascent Restaurant Group.  Should you know anyone who might like to compete for this category, please bring them as a guest.  As always, it is the goal of Execs to engage with best in class companies.

      Opened the category of ‘Sales Software’ for Drew Lints, Confluence Marketing.  Drew is sponsored by Greg Swartz, Swartz Electric.  Should you know anyone who might like to compete for this category, please bring them as a guest.  As always, it is the goal of Execs to engage with best in class companies.

     Approved Associate membership for Ash Burden, Brightway Insurance.  Welcome Ash!

Our March 6 meeting will be OFF-SITE at the Best Western Plus Fillmore Inn!  Make note of it!!  And do not miss it! 

I would like to book presentations in March and April!  Would you like to grab one of the weeks to showcase your business?!  Please let me know!



  1. None

BUSINESS INFORMATION (information pertaining to members’ businesses):

  1. We have a unique approach to deck projects: KBC Designs> renderings> approval recess and build deck using our team. If you have any questions about the new WUI or PPRBD regulations, please reach out. Happy to share what we know. 719-358-7053. (MICHAEL KRUEGER)
  2. New customers and lead, Divine Redeemer Church. A large church and busy elementary school. The church’s long term maintenance director has retired. This opens up opportunities for all who sell products and services to large facilities. The new director is open to change. (DAVID HORWITZ)
  3. Ignite Fueling Innovation Inc. Systems and Software Engineering services ribbon cutting today at 3:30pm with Chamber at 985 Space Center Dr. (SEBASTIAN ERTELT, Primary member applicant)
  4. Did you know Hills Science Diet is facing two class action lawsuits? One lawsuit is for ‘prescription’ dog food because there is no therapeutic value and no medicine in the food yet they charge excess for it. The second lawsuit is for intentionally misleading customers to believe grain free food causes heart disease in dogs. (BILL HUFFOR)
  5. No QR from Waste Management. Watch out for Quishing! (DAVID PEREZ)  (David-tell us what this means!  ~Tricia)
  6. We now carry Sasquatch Cookies, including cookies for your dog! (PEGGY MCKINLAY)
  7. Looking to purchase a new home or know anyone who is? Call me! (KODY MILLER)
  8. Cultivate House Detailing just passed one hundred five-star google reviews in less than a year and a half! Thank you to everyone in Execs for supporting us as the best window cleaning company in Colorado Springs. (JONMARC RADSPINNER)
  9. Tapateria (one of my restaurants!) has Paella on the Patio scheduled May-September.  Mark your calendar for the May event:  May 19th – Classic Mixta:  Clams, mussels, chicken, shrimp, cantimpalitos,roasted red peppers, seared padrons, sliced mushrooms and green onions on a base of saffron and chicken stock. (JAY GUST)  Jay-it’s GREAT to have you back!  Update us on your world of restaurant excellence! (TRICIA MUEHLBAUER)


  1. None


  1. Remember “Angels Against Alzheimers” fundraiser is Saturday April 6th. Casino Night. Lots of fun for a great cause. Please go to www.angelsagainstalzheimers.com and get your tickets! (CANDY VANDENBERG)
  2. Feb 28-Mar 2 is the Colorado Springs Wine Festival that benefits COS Conservatory. Tickets are available but selling out! Coaltrain and Picnic Basket have been sponsors for over thirty years. (KATHY DREILING)

DIRECT LEADS (when you yourself do business w/ a member or someone you referred to a member does business with that member) AND REFERRALS:

  1. Direct lead to Jonmarc, Cultivate House Detailing. (KIM GRIFFIS)
  2. Direct lead to Brooke Orist, Sasquatch Cookies. (KIM GRIFFIS)
  3. Direct lead to Pilar Chavarria. (CHRIS WALDRON)
  4. Direct lead to Mark Peniston. (MIKE ESCHLER)
  5. Direct lead to Wendy’s. (MIKE ESCHLER)
  6. Direct lead to American Printing. (TARA IRONS)
  7. Direct lead to Paul with Tint Technologies. (MIKE GARROW)
  8. Direct lead to Weathercraft Roofing for more repairs at the Berwick Building. (DOUG BERWICK)
  9. Direct lead to Mark Peniston, x2. (TODD MATIA)
  10. Direct lead to KC Spencer/Colorado Mold and Restoration. (TODD MATIA)
  11. Direct lead to David Horwitz with Colorado Springs Cleaning Supply. (DIANA THATE)
  12. Direct lead to Brightway. (JP WEST)
  13. Direct lead to Sasquatch Cookies, who delivered birthday cookies to multiple clients for me this week. (JP WEST)
  14. Direct lead to Ash at Brightway, Sydney F. (KODY MILLER)
  15. Direct lead to Adam and Son for a repair on our company truck. Thanks Dan. (MIKE EDDE)
  16. Direct lead to Underline, ongoing. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  17. Direct lead to The Gazette, ongoing. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  18. Direct lead to Waste Management, ongoing. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  19. Direct lead to Payroll City, ongoing. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  20. Direct lead to Ent, ongoing. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  21. Direct lead to WestCo, ongoing. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  22. Direct lead to Diana at Payroll City. I need a quote for a single employee. (CANDY VANDENBERG)
  23. Direct lead to Carissa at Forbush Legal. I need a quote. (CANDY VANDENBERG)
  24. Direct lead to Chris Waldron. (CAROLINE FLEMING)
  25. Direct lead to Spencer Swann at Canyon Signs. (ANGIE PETERS)
  26. Direct lead to Nancy Kelly at Syntrak International. (ANGIE PETERS)
  27. Direct lead to Candy Vandenberg. (JONMARC RADSPINNER)
  28. Direct lead to The Gazette, ongoing. (STEPHANIE HORTON)
  29. Direct lead to JP West. Biblical Inc. PEO exit strategy workers comp. (BEN WOJCHIK)


  1. Looking to hire a Director of Sales for a busy catering establishment. Apply at Picnic Basket Catering Collective at 719-635-0200. (KATHY DREILING)


  1. None         


  1. Thank you Todd for the continued partnership. (MARK PENISTON)
  2. Thank you Mark Peniston for the great tax preparation. (DON MOON)
  3. Thank you Joe Wilson. (MIKE ESCHLER)
  4. Thank you Brandon Kolk. (MIKE ESCHLER)
  5. Thanks Dana Rocha. I look forward to some potential business! (DAVID PEREZ)
  6. Thank you to Tim Betsch with Syntrak for the meeting. (ALLAN TODD)
  7. Thank you Kody Miller for sending leads. (ASH BURDEN)
  8. Thank you Todd Matia for your time. (ASH BURDEN)
  9. Thank you to City Glass for choosing Swartz Electric to repair and replace their lighting. (GREG SWARTZ)
  10. Thank you to Kevin Holt for choosing Swartz. (GREG SWARTZ)
  11. Thank you Tony and TECC for removing graffiti from our sign. (MIKE GARROW)
  12. Thank you Todd Matia for sharing ideas re: the club. (MIKE GARROW)
  13. Thank you to the Original Overhead Door for the installation of the new door for our hay barn.  Looks great! (DOUG BERWICK)
  14. Michael Krueger- I’m thankful for Krueger Brothers Construction and you checking out our location. (TODD MATIA)
  15. As always, Peggy and Jim, thanks for your knowledgeable staff. (TODD MATIA)
  16. Nancy, thank you for your kindness and willingness to talk with my son. I appreciate you! (ANGIE PETERS)
  17. Todd Matia, thank you for your kindness and patience as we work through your shower door issue. (ANGIE PETERS)
  18. Thanks for recent orders from Amnet, KCME and Garden of the Gods Resort. (CHRIS PELOSO)


  1. Next Thursday 2/29, come join me at Mash Mechanix from 5-7pm. Let me buy you a drink! (MICHAEL GARNER)
  2. Great to see our Sheriff Joe at the City Slicker Rodeo at Latigo Saturday. (DOUG BERWICK)
  3. After 38 years as a member of CSEA the time has come for me to drive on down the road.  I have appreciated all of the business Berwick Electric Co. provided to other members, the great products and services I have received over the years from members and especially the friendships that I have formed with other members.  Great job as Zoo Keeper of the group Trish, and hope to see you all down the road. (DOUG BERWICK)
  4. Mark Copelin- looking forward to connecting. (TODD MATIA)
  5. John Gatto- would love to connect. (TODD MATIA)
  6. Kevin Holt- good to hang out and chat. You are a wealth of knowledge. (TODD MATIA)
  7. Todd M- looking forward to getting together at lunch. (MARK COPELIN)
  8. Candy Vandenberg at Ent, I will call you on a lead for a CD for a family member. Moving money over from Wells Fargo. (MARK COPELIN)
  9. Just signed up with Underline, thanks to Michael Garner! (CHRIS PELOSO)
  10. Happy Birthday Todd! (STEPHANIE HORTON)
  11. If your business has a monitor or iPad that you’re willing to donate please contact Stephanie Horton at gm@kcme.org. It can be used if in good condition. (STEPHANIE HORTON)


  1. I launched my own fine art website. Buy art from someone you know! Www.bernardsandoval.com. (BERNARD SANDOVAL)
  2. I met with Lynda Cink of Mt. Carmel Veterans Service Center about joining CSEA. Hopefully she will attend a breakfast soon. (DANA ROCHA)


  1. None


  1. For more info on the race, go to www.legacyrace.org. It is June 22nd at the Norris-Penrose Events Center, 1045 Lower Gold Camp Rd. If you are interested in being a sponsor, contact me at wayneheilman@msn.com or 719-964-3175. (WAYNE HEILMAN)
  2. Legacy Race, very interesting information. Thanks for presenting! (JIM SMITH)
  3. Great race to support! Legacy Race! Thanks Wayne! (JEFF TARBERT)
  4. Great presentation! (TODD MATIA)
  5. Wayne, thanks for the program. Legacy Race-great program, great cause! (CANDY VANDENBERG)
  6. Thank you for a great presentation. (CAROLINE FLEMING)